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Results 2501-2510 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have the honor of sending you some newspapers and two memoirs relating to Prize Causes, and am, Sir, with great respect, Your very obedt and very humble Sert RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM. Enclosures not found.
Minutebook copy: Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia It is with much satisfaction we received Intelligence from our Friend David Barclay, by his Letter of the 27th Augst. That, “by Order of the Court of Chancery there is transferred to you, for the use of the Pennsylvania Hospital, Seven thousand, six hundred and thirty four pounds 11 s. 1 d. three per Cent reduced Bank Annuities, Also that...
M r Dinsmore has this Day Communicated to me that Cha s Stewart is anxious & willing to go & Acquire a knowledge of the Hosiery Business— knowing your Anxiety for an Establishment of that kind here I have talked over the Subject with Cap t Garrett as to Sending him. he Joins me in approving of the appointment. Should you Concur in Opinion you will please Send the necessary Introduction to M r...
I am to acquaint you Mr shaw, could not comply with your Request. I immediately Ordered off, one Dragoon from the stages back, and Disposed of them Agreeable to your Excellency’s Orders —my last stage is near Tour Hill. immediately upon my Arrival there, I proceeded on to Rhode Island, to acquaint the Commanding Officer of what I had done—(& further more) of the Request your Excellency made to...
Your two letters of Aug. 9. & Sep. 21. were duly recieved: and altho’, according to the latter I may expect your servant tomorrow, if you succeed in the purchase of the horse, yet as mr Coles is now here & proposes to go by the way of Eppington I think it surest to answer by him. I have had your table, copying press & bust well packed in a box, and as I am sure it would be agreeable to mrs...
The destruction of the public Storehouses, Magazines, Laboratory, Shops and other Works at this place and Westham by the Enemy having left our Arms, Powder and other Stores exposed in open Houses to plunder and our Artificers unfurnished with Houses to proceed in the repair of Arms and other necessary Works, obliges me, as the only resource for a hasty collection of Sawyers, Carpenters and...
It is so often suspected that marks of attention, in the way of trifling presents, to persons in high Official stations, have some sinister intention, that I have always hesitated to shew these marks of regard least, from these motives, they should be received with reluctance; but when presented to persons out of Office, from whom no advancement of personal interest is expected, it must...
2508General Orders, 15 October 1778 (Washington Papers)
A Court of Enquiry whereof Lieutt Coll Carrington is appointed President will sit at one oClock this afternoon at the President’s quarters to enquire into a complaint exhibited by Charles Proud a soldier in the Artillery against Captain Wiley—Two Captains from each of the Connecticutt Brigades to attend as Members. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . No report of this court of inquiry has been...
I am advised by the Secy. of War that Mr. Williams Storekeeper at Springfield has been directed to furnish to the Quarter Master of your regiment 680 stands of arms and as many Gun Worms. If they have not been received you will take the proper measures to obtain them. He likewise informs me that Col: Jeremiah Wadsworth at Hartford has been requested to provide for your Regiment, to be likewise...
See the stat. 24. G. 3. (1784.) c. 47. made against smuggling- armed vessels and forfieting the vessels. the 7th. sectn. latter part provides that it shall not extend to vessels having arms or ammunition put on board for the necessary use & defence of such vessel, by license from the Lord High Admiral of G.B. or the commissioners of the admiralty.’ this shews that English vessels cannot arm...