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Results 2501-2510 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The board attended as heretofore, on the examination; with a short private meeting only, for conference. MS ( ViU : Special Collections).
The weather & roads have continued bad—as if expressly to keep me within my bereavd Domicil—and I have had a great mind to give way to gloomy thoughts, and sad conclusions—but that I shd. be ashamed to have profitted so little by the example of fortitude & forbearance, I am so sensible of in you—my beloved—my friend and monitor! I recd. the Presidents speech this Evg. and like it pretty well,...
My last was so full that it has left me little to add. General Cocke joined on tuesday afternoon which makes up a board; but we are chiefly engaged with the Examinations, which go on very well. I fear it will be impossible to get away before the middle of next week. I need not say how anxious I am to be with you. We have dined every day from home since we arrived except the first & are engaged...
When, during one of those intervals, the board having taken up the case of Robert Yeates —the consideration of which was postponed at the meeting in Oct. last—made thereon the following order. The following will be communicated by the Secretary, in answer to the reference made to this board by the faculty, of the case of R. Yeates. The faculty, on the suggestion of Mr Professor Long, having...
On the 8th. of last month, I wrote you a Letter enclosing three orders from W. S. Smith, and just before receiving this morning your Letter of the 2d. instt. I had written to remind you of it, as well as of my subsequent Letters to you—I am now relieved from the apprehension that you had not received my former Letters, by your acknowledgment of the receipt of those of the 8th. 19th. and 27th....
After a series of appointments to meet Mr Stoddard which proved abortive, he came to Quincy Yesterday and we effected a settlement so far as to divide equally the amount of the principal due by Notes of hand, and the whole sum being $332.0 I took two Notes of him for $166–0. each; one of which is made payable to you or your Order on demand with Interest from the first of November 1826. He paid...
I have received with deep sensibility, the copy which the City Council of Charleston, have been pleased to present, and which you have had the goodness to forward to me, of the Eulogy of Mr Ford, delivered at the request of the council, upon the character of my deceased father The respectful attention thus shewn to the memory, of the friend and associate in Revolutionary trials of Christopher...
The four days passed without you my beloved, seem so many weeks. I am now expecting a letter from you, which I know will console me, especially if it tells me you are well. Sister Macon dined with me, until this day, when she went home with her son M——n. Mr S[ illegible ] came to dinner (as usial) but to do him justice, he was ignorent of your absence. Mama is quite well. Jno. & Clary spent...
At a meeting of the Visitors of the University of Virginia, held at the University on Tuesday, December 5th 1826, at which were present James Madison Rector, James Monroe, John H. Cocke, and Joseph C. Cabell. The board being occupied in attending the first public examination at the University, which began on Monday the 4th of Decr, had private meetings only occasionally during the intervals...
I received yesterday your Letter of the 18th. ulto. enclosing four more copies of Mr Whitney’s funeral Discourse, and all under a cover Post marked, Boston 29 . November—This Post-mark was almost as pleasing to me as your Letter itself because it assured me that my failure to receive from you a Letter of that date was not occasioned by inability proceeding from the state of your health—I am...