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Results 2501-2550 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The board attended as heretofore, on the examination; with a short private meeting only, for...
The weather & roads have continued bad—as if expressly to keep me within my bereavd Domicil—and I...
My last was so full that it has left me little to add. General Cocke joined on tuesday afternoon...
When, during one of those intervals, the board having taken up the case of Robert Yeates —the...
On the 8th. of last month, I wrote you a Letter enclosing three orders from W. S. Smith, and just...
After a series of appointments to meet Mr Stoddard which proved abortive, he came to Quincy...
I have received with deep sensibility, the copy which the City Council of Charleston, have been...
The four days passed without you my beloved, seem so many weeks. I am now expecting a letter from...
At a meeting of the Visitors of the University of Virginia, held at the University on Tuesday,...
I received yesterday your Letter of the 18th. ulto. enclosing four more copies of Mr Whitney’s...
Here we are snug in a warm room consoling ourselves on our escape from the Storm, by our safe...
Your Letter of the 26th. ulto. with one from President Kirkland enclosed in it, and your answer...
Mr David W. Jones just arrived in N.Y. from England, with excellent recommendations from high...
I received some days ago your letter of Aug. 28. If I did not invite an earlier one by my...
The Court of Chancery met on Tuesday last. Mr Vanzandt has not thought proper to proceed in his...
On the 18th. instt. I received and duly acknowledged your Short note of the 14th. accompanied...
I enclose herewith the following papers 1. An Order in my favour on the U. S. Branch Bank Boston,...
I have received your letter of the 18th. instt. and think you cannot do better, than invest your...
The enclosed letter from President Kirkland to me was received yesterday, though dated the 20th....
Your favour of the 20th. Instant was received by this day’s Mail. Without paraphrase I will...
You went away without the watch.—How happened it and why did you not mention it in your letter...
I have recd. yours of the 21st. The proceedings of the State Conventions—on the Constitution of...
Your letter & communications of the 18th. having remained a day or two at our post office, I have...
I have now the honour to enclose to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund (to be laid...
Your favor of Ocr. 11. came duly to hand, and at a later day, a Memoir, referred to in it. You...
I have recd. your letter of the 16th. referring to the prospectus of “the American Quarterly...
I regret that the communication of Mr. Trist of 7th. inst relative to your report to the...
I can not forward to you my few short notes, in compliance with your request by Mr. Cabell, at...
Your favor of the fifteenth instant, has been duly received, kindly furnishing a reply to my...
I should like to subjoin in a note to the discourse I delivered on your father—the genealogical...
Your short note of the 14th. enclosing your Account to the first of July 1826. 4. Copies of Mr...
The Subscriber agrees for the sum of one thousand Dollars, to finish for W N Boylston Esqr a full...
You should have heard from me some time since, but for the prospect held out by the arrival of...
I venture to solicit your attention to the Prospectus on the other leaf. My object is to mention...
Received of the Executors of the last Will of John Adams, by an order, on the Cashier of the...
I am very much afraid my Dear Thomas in consequence of your not writing to me according to your...
I have just recd. Sir your letter of the 11th inst. The proceedings of the Convention of 1787. as...
I have recd your letter of Ocr. 16. inclosing a copy of one to the adjt. Genl. of the U.S. I have...
I have sent you a copy of my lectures on political economy which I have found intelligible to the...
Since writing your favour of the 7th. and 8th. instt. you have doubtless received from me the...
I have rcd. Sir your pamphlet on the question of Retroceeding George Town to the State of...
I have recd. Sir under cover of the 6th. your Discourse obligingly sent me, on the “Landing of...
Coln. Edgar Macon has been most wantonly and crewlly persecuted by a set of unprincipled and...
Having undertaken the compilation and publication of the Debates and Proceedings of several of...
A valued friend at the South who has already Made A considerable Collection of Autographs is...
I recd. some days ago yours of   of October. Approving every plan of instruction that can improve...
I have just recd. yours of the 1st. inst: 1826. In the absence of J. P. Todd, who has not it...
Your Letter numbered 2. dated 30 and 31. October is before me—Enclosed in it was the receipt of...
I send them immediately to the p. o. that they may go in the mail of tomorrow morning. Friendly...
Voted, in compliance with a proposition made by President Adams, that the Supervisors of the...