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Results 2501-2550 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
This instant the enclosed letters came to my hands —I have not lost a moments time in...
2502Council of War, 16 June 1757 (Washington Papers)
Virginia At a Council of War held at Fort Loudoun, Thursday, the 16th day of June, at 2 o’clock...
2503Memorandum, 16 June 1757 (Washington Papers)
The following account sent to Colo. Stanwix and Governor Dinwiddie together with the Council of...
I have just received intelligence from Capt. Dagworthy and Major Livingston, that they were...
I have seen your Letter, and have dispatchd Copy’s of it by good Expresses to Governor Dinwiddie,...
Copy of a Letter sent to the County-Lieutenants of Fairfax, Prince-William, and Culpeper....
This Moment the inclos’d Letters came to My hands: I have not lost a moments time in Transmitting...
This Moment the Inclosed Letters came to my Hands. I have not lost a moments time in transmitting...
I am to acknowledge the Receipt of Yrs of the 10th but I am so much hurried that I cannot answer...
2510Memorandum, 17 June 1757 (Washington Papers)
Colo. Stanwix Send Colo. Carlyle’s Letter to him. Inform him that the Enemy have Mortar’s—by the...
Yesterday in the Evening Six Indians arrived from Fort Du Quesne who left that Place last Sunday...
I receiv’d yr Express this Morning at Belvoir in Compa. with Mr & Mrs Carlyle and soon after set...
I had the pleasure to receive your favour of 28 ult. by John Spore and Company waggoners with the...
I recd both yours of the 15th & 16th of June, by the Favour of Colonel Armstrong & some hour’s...
2515Court-Martial, 19 June 1757 (Washington Papers)
At a Regimental Court martial held at Fort Loudoun June the 19th 1757 Capt. Thos Waggener Presidt...
When the Swallows People came to Town this afternoon, with the Young French Officer their...
the enclosed Letters Came from Collo. Stanwix about 11 oClock this Night, and I have Immediatly...
This is intended to be delivered You by Bryan Fx who is appointed by Commission Captain of one of...
I share in the anxiety and concern that you must undoubtedly undergo in the present melancholy...
We understand that Mr Atkins has either complain’d or intends to complain to you that we had the...
Yours of the 19th instant came to hand about noon this day—As there now remain but a few Indians...
Yours of the 18th from the camp at Carlyle, I received about noon this day: at a time when I was...
Yrs of the 10th I rec’d & have by the Bearer sent yr Mare which I make not the least Doubt of...
Yr Letter by Express, I received last Night, & I am sorry for the Intelligence it brings of such...
Letter not found: from Robert Slaughter, 20 June 1757. On 21 June 1757 GW wrote to Slaughter: “I...
Since writing to you by Express last night, I have received a letter from Capt. Dagworthy (a copy...
I this day received the enclosed from Capt. Dagworthy: The Indians mentioned therein are likewise...
I received yours of the 20th instant; and am glad of the judicious, regular step which you have...
It gave me great Concern that Capt. Gist went back without carrying a Letter from me in Answer to...
had I Not had a letter last night from Capt. Dagworthy Fort Cumberlands being safe and the...
I wrote you a letter this morning about 6 O’Clock since which I have the Favour of your’s of the...
Letter not found: from David Ross, 23 June 1757. On 25 June 1757 GW wrote to Ross: “I was this...
To Captn Nicholas Minor, of the Fairfax Militia. By George Washington Esqre Colonel of the...
Letter not found: to John Stanwix, 24 June 1757. On 11 July 1757 Stanwix wrote to GW: “had I had...
I cd not answer yr several Letters till now, I’ve wrote to Mr Atkin abt the Indians, & he must...
2536Memoranda, 25 June 1757 (Washington Papers)
The Govr. Inclose the Govr Doctr Ross Letter abt the Provision at Fort Cumbd & desire his...
This will serve to acquaint you, that I have received subsequent intelligence to that transmitted...
Copy of Letters to the County Lts of Orange, Stafford and Spotsylvania-counties. Gentlemen, As...
I have sent the enclosed to Colonel Lee, open to you, that you may peruse it, and afterwards...
I was this day favoured with yours of the 23d instant. I think your proposals relative to the...
Your favors of the 17th & 19th instant I have received. Captains Fairfax & Minor arrived here...
By George Washington Esqre Colonel of the Virginia Regiment, and Commander of the Virginia Forces...
I have receiv’d yr Favour by Danl Jenings, and am pleasd that the Enemy have not made any nearer...
I was favoured with yours of the 16th instant by the cherokee warrior, autasity, who I am in...
I recd Yrs of the 21st ⅌ Jenkins —& am glad the first Intelligence of the French & Indians...
2546Memoranda, 28 June 1757 (Washington Papers)
Whether Officers who are sent express, or upon any other Duty, where Horses are indispensably...
I have had the pleasure of receiving your two favors both of the 22d instant. We were reinforced...
By Capt. Bell I receiv’d yours and am Greatly oblig’d to you, for your Good Intentions to Serve...
Letter not found: from Henry Lee, 28 June 1757. On 30 June 1757 GW wrote to Lee: “I have received...
2550Memoranda, 29 June 1757 (Washington Papers)
Detach’d Posts To use every endeavour to learn their Men to shoot well & be good Marksmen....