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Results 2501-2550 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
250119th. Wednesd. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon Mr. Heiliger; a Gentleman from the Danish West India’s, and who has liv’d in America some time, came to see me. The wind continues still bad. John Heyliger (sometimes Hyleger or Heiliger), a member of a trading and planting family from St. Croix with New York connections; JQA later recalled that he “was under many obligations” to Heyliger during his three-week stay in Copenhagen...
250220th. Thurd. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon I went and pay’d a visit to Mr. Heiliger, who invited me to dine with him at a Club of which he is member; he invited at the same time Mr. Schiebe. We accepted his invitation. After dinner we left him, and return’d in the evening to sup with him at his own house.
250322d. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
We dined this day with a numerous company at Mr. Lycke’s. In the evening I went to the play and had there an occasion of seeing the King, and Prince royal. As I was in Company with a gentleman of the town I ask’d him some question about the King and royal Family; he did not say much about the King but when I spoke of the Prince royal ah ! says he, “nôtre Jeune prince a beaucoup d’esprit.” As...
250423d. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
This afternoon I went and paid a visit to the Baron de la Houze the French Minister here; he offer’d to send any letter I should write to my Father with his Dispatches to Mr. De Vergennes. Matthieu de Basquiat, Baron de la Houze , French minister plenipotentiary to Denmark, 1779–1792 ( Repertorium der diplomatischen Vertreter aller Länder Repertorium der diplomatischen Vertreter aller Lander...
250524th. Mond. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went to pay a visit to the Baron de la Houze. When I return’d to the Hotel at about 12 o’clock I found the Count and Mr. Schiebe packing up, as the Captain has sent word that the wind is Good and that he intends to set sail this afternoon. (8. o’clock P.M.) We dined at about twelve o’clock and came on board soon after dinner. Since we are on board the wind has chang’d and is at...
250625th. (Adams Papers)
The wind continued bad all day. In the afternoon the Count went on shore.
250726th. (Adams Papers)
The Count came on board to take us on shore with him so we left our trunks on board and having told the Captain to let us know when the wind became favourable, we return’d on shore.
2508Februarius. 1783. (Adams Papers)
11. Depart de Gottenbourg a 8. heures du matin. Nous arrivames á Copenhague le 15. à 8 heures du soir. Times of departure and arrival vary slightly from the main entries (above). JQA ’s return to The Hague from Copenhagen, sketchily presented in this and the following two entries in his Diary, was marked with numerous delays, which characterized his entire journey from St. Petersburg. Arriving...
2509[March 1783] (Adams Papers)
5. Depart de Copenhague et l’10 arriveé à Hambourg. JA wrote to AA on 28 March , informing her that JQA had been impeded by “terrible Weather” on his journey from St. Petersburg and that “my Son has been another Source of Distress to me.” Receiving a letter from JQA dated 12 March from Hamburg, JA was hopeful that his son would arrive at The Hague by the end of March, but it was another three...
2510Martius. 1783. (Adams Papers)
5. Depart de Copenhague et l’10 arriveé à Hambourg. JA wrote to AA on 28 March , informing her that JQA had been impeded by “terrible Weather” on his journey from St. Petersburg and that “my Son has been another Source of Distress to me.” Receiving a letter from JQA dated 12 March from Hamburg, JA was hopeful that his son would arrive at The Hague by the end of March, but it was another three...
2511[April 1783] (Adams Papers)
5. Depart de Hambourg arriveé à Breme Bremen le. 6. Nous y restames jusques au 12. À 3. heures de l’aprés midi que nous partimes pour Amsterdam. Nous voyageames nuit et jour jusques au 16. que nous y arrivames a 11. heures avant midi. J’y restai jusques au 20. Alors j’en partis et j’arrivai à la Hay le 21. à 9. heures du matin.
2512Aprilis. 1783. (Adams Papers)
5. Depart de Hambourg arriveé à Breme Bremen le. 6. Nous y restames jusques au 12. À 3. heures de l’aprés midi que nous partimes pour Amsterdam. Nous voyageames nuit et jour jusques au 16. que nous y arrivames a 11. heures avant midi. J’y restai jusques au 20. Alors j’en partis et j’arrivai à la Hay le 21. à 9. heures du matin.
2513[May 1783] (Adams Papers)
Diné à Rotterdam chés Mr. Van Berkel ancien bourguemaitre de la ville, et presentement ministre Plenipotentiaire de L. L. H. H. P. P. auprés du Congrés. JQA means L.H.P., Les Hautes Puissances, or Their High Mightinesses, the name given to the Dutch States General as a body ( Guthrie, Geographical Grammar William Guthrie, A New Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar; And Present...
2514Majus. 1783. 20me. (Adams Papers)
Diné à Rotterdam chés Mr. Van Berkel ancien bourguemaitre de la ville, et presentement ministre Plenipotentiaire de L. L. H. H. P. P. auprés du Congrés. JQA means L.H.P., Les Hautes Puissances, or Their High Mightinesses, the name given to the Dutch States General as a body ( Guthrie, Geographical Grammar William Guthrie, A New Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar; And Present...
251523. (Adams Papers)
Diné à Schevening sur les dunes.
251624. (Adams Papers)
Partis pour Amsterdam, y arrivai le 25. à 6 heures du matin.
2517Le 27. (Adams Papers)
J’en partis a 11. heures et J’arrivai á la Haye le même jour à dix heures du soir.
2518[June 1783] (Adams Papers)
Je fus diner à Rotterdam avec Monsieur Baron qui s’en retourne à Paris.
2519Junius. 1783. 3me. (Adams Papers)
Je fus diner à Rotterdam avec Monsieur Baron qui s’en retourne à Paris.
2520[July 1783] (Adams Papers)
Je fus à Delft avec Monsr. Fitch et sa compagnie, qui partent pour L’Angleterre. Most likely Eliphalet Fitch, a native Bostonian, reputedly very rich, who may have held a crown office in Jamaica, and whom JA described to JQA as a grandson of Dr. Thomas Boylston “and consequently your Relation” ( JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and...
2521Julius. 1783. 14. (Adams Papers)
Je fus à Delft avec Monsr. Fitch et sa compagnie, qui partent pour L’Angleterre. Most likely Eliphalet Fitch, a native Bostonian, reputedly very rich, who may have held a crown office in Jamaica, and whom JA described to JQA as a grandson of Dr. Thomas Boylston “and consequently your Relation” ( JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and...
252222. (Adams Papers)
A 11 heures du soir mon Pere arriva de Paris. Absent from The Hague since late Oct. 1782, JA returned there on this day, and after two weeks of discussions with his Patriot friends at The Hague and merchants and bankers in Amsterdam, he departed for Paris with JQA . JA thought his stay in Europe would end shortly after negotiations with Great Britain were completed, and he wanted his son to...
252326. (Adams Papers)
Je partis de la Haye á 6 heures du matin avec mon Pere, arrivé a Amsterdam á 1. heure aprés midi.
252428. (Adams Papers)
Diné chés Mr. W. Willink. Wilhem Willink of Wilhem and Jan Willink, one of the three Amsterdam banking houses which raised the first Dutch loan for the United States in 1782 ( JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 3:125 ; 2:451 ).
252529. (Adams Papers)
Diné chés Mr. Ingraham.
252630. (Adams Papers)
Nous retournames à la Haye.
2527[TitlePage] (Adams Papers)
Titlepage of D/JQA/8, on the cover of a leather-bound 7¼″ × 4⅜″ writing book with the inscription in an unknown hand. The Diary book covers the period 6 – 29 Aug. (with no entries for 13–14, 17–19, and 24–26 Aug.) and 20 – 22 Sept. 1783, only, taking up 34 of the book’s 104 pages. These entries are printed with those remaining from D/JQA/7; but see entry for Januarius 1783, note 1 (post 31...
2528[August 1783] (Adams Papers)
This morning, I set out from the Hague, in Company with my Father; at about half past 4. o’clock in the morning. At 7. we arrived at Rotterdam; passed the Maes Meuse , and rode as far as Moerdyk, where we arrived at about 12. We were obliged to stay till 4. o’clock, because the wind, and tide were both contrary. We arrived at about 11. o’clock at night at the last Post before Antwerp, and...
This morning, I set out from the Hague, in Company with my Father; at about half past 4. o’clock in the morning. At 7. we arrived at Rotterdam; passed the Maes Meuse , and rode as far as Moerdyk, where we arrived at about 12. We were obliged to stay till 4. o’clock, because the wind, and tide were both contrary. We arrived at about 11. o’clock at night at the last Post before Antwerp, and...
2530Aug. 7th. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
We were going this morning at about 3. We arrived at 7. at Antwerp. After breakfast we went to the cathedral Church, to see the Paintings. The most remarkable of them are. The descent from the Cross, regarded as the master Piece of Rubens. It is indeed most admirable: every Figure looks alive except the capital one and that equally accurately represents nature. On one side of the Picture is,...
2531Aug. 8th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
This morning we set out from Halle at about 3 o’clock, and rode without interruption untill we arrived at Cambray at about 2 1/2 afternoon. We dined at Cambray, and after dinner we went to the Cathedral Church, and saw the tomb of François de Salignac de la Mothe, Fenelon; Archbishop, of Cambray, and author of Telemachus. At 4. we left Cambray and rode till 10, when we arrived at Roye where we...
2532Aug. 9th. Saturday (Adams Papers)
We Left Roye this morning about 5. o’clock and rode as far as Chantilly without Interruption. We dined at Chantilly, and I went to see the Gardens and Stables of the Prince de Condé to whom this Place belongs. The Stables are a fine Piece of Architecture, and every thing is in order. There are 240. horses in them, and each horse has his own manger; with his name over it. Inside of the building...
2533Aug. 10th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
This morning, at about 10 o’clock, I accompanied my Father to Passy, to see Dr. Franklin whom I knew already, and Mr. Jay, the american Minister at Madrid, whom I had never seen before; they were at breakfast and had a great deal of Company. Mr. Jay and my Father took a walk in the Garden and had a Conversation upon politicks, which, is of no Necessity here. From thence we went to Auteuil; to...
2534Aug. 11th. Monday. (Adams Papers)
This morning Mr. Hartley the British Minister for making Peace, came to pay a visit to my Father, but as he was out he desired to see me. I had some Conversation with him. He says he hopes the Peace will be soon signed. In the afternoon I went with my Father to Passy, and saw there Dr. Franklin and Mr. and Mrs. Jay. I also renewed my acquaintance with young Mr. Bache. We went at the same time...
2535Aug. 12th. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
This morning my Father went to Versailles. At half past 12. I met the Abbé Arnaud at the Thuileries, and we walk’d together to Passy. I dined at the Abbé Chalut’s there, in Company with the Abbé de Mably and some other Gentlemen. The Abbé has travelled thro’ Poland, and talk’d a good deal about that Country. For the Climate he says that for the first fortnight in November it commonly snows...
2536Aug. 15th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
This day I dined at Passy at Dr. Franklin’s with a numerous Company. In the evening I went to the Comedy at the Bois de Boulogne. Beverlei and le Français a Londres were the plays represented. Beverlei is what the French call a Tragedie bourgeoise , as Barnwell in English. The Subject of it is, a Man addicted to gaming, who ruins himself by it, or rather is ruined by a villain who pretends to...
2537Aug. 16th. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Brantsen’s; the Dutch Ambassadors, with a great deal of Company. In the evening I went to the French Comedy; the pieces represented were Rhadamiste et Zenobie a Tragedy by Crebillon and Le Français a Londres. The author of the Tragedy is regarded as one of the best dramatick poets of France. His Tragedies are all very deep, indeed, they are so much so, that several of them...
2538Aug. 20th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Passy with the Abbé de Chalut.
2539Aug. 21st. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
This day My Father had a great Company to dine with him. The occasion for the dinner party is not known.
2540Aug. 22d. Friday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon at 11 o’clock, I went, in Company with My Lord Ancram, Mr. Stewart and my father to see the Academy of the Abbe L’epée, who has undertaken to teach, people born deaf and dumb, not only to converse with one another very fluently, but also, to read and write, and he has succeeded entirely. It is astonishing to see how fast and how easily they make themselves understood, to one...
2541Aug 23d. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went and paid a visit to the Baron de la Houze the Minister of France at the Court of Denmark, who is here at present by Congé, and whom I had the honour of seeing at Copenhagen. He talked to me a great deal about America. He said he believed that France, England and Holland would carry on the greatest part of our Commerce; that the Nations of the North wanted a number of our...
254224. (Adams Papers)
Comédie Italienne voyage de Rosine et Felix ou l’enfant trouvé. Pierre Antoine Augustin de Piis and Pierre Yves Barré, Les voyages de Rosine, Paris, 1783; Felix, ou l’enfant trouvé, Paris, 1777, by Michel Jean Sedaine, with music by Pierre Alexandre de Monsigny ( Brenner, Bibliographical List Clarence Dietz Brenner, A Bibliographical List of plays in the French Language, 1700-1789 , Berkeley,...
254325. (Adams Papers)
Comédie Italienne le bon ménage, et Blaise et Babet. Mr. T——r returned. Jean Pierre Claris de Florian, Le Bon ménage, ou, la suite des deux billets, Paris, 1783; Blaise et Babet, ou, la suite des trois fermiers, Paris, 1783, by Jacques Marie Boutet de Monvel, with music by Nicolas Dezède ( Brenner, Bibliographical List Clarence Dietz Brenner, A Bibliographical List of plays in the French...
2544Aug. 27th. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon I went to see the Pictures which are exposed to view in the Gallery of the Louvre; there are some good paintings there amongst a great number of indifferent ones. After dinner I went to see the experiment, of the flying globe. A Mr. Montgolfier of late has discovered that, if one fills a ball with inflammable air, much lighter than common air, the ball of itself will go up to an...
2545Aug. 28th. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
The Journal de Paris of this day, says a great deal about the flying globe. It speaks of it as follows. “L’experience ingenieuse que M. M. de Montgolfier ont fait à Annonay interesse assés pour qu’on ne soit pas surpris de l’empressement qu’on a mis à la repeter. A peine la souscription qui devoit en faciliter les moyens fut elle ouverte par M. Faujas de Saint Fond et deux ou trois de ses...
2546Aug 29th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
The Journal de Paris of this day, speaks as follows of the flying globe. “Nous venons d’apprendre que le Ballon, aprés avoir voyagé pendant trois quarts d’heure dans les regions de l’air et hors de la vue, est tombé à Gonesse, distant de Paris de quatres lieues; l’on y a reconnu une ouverture produite par l’explosion qui a dû se faire, lorsque ce Globe a atteint un air qui, lui opposant moins...
2547[September 1783] (Adams Papers)
Dined at Auteuil. French Comedy: le Joueur et le Retour imprévu. Jean François Regnard, Le joueur, Paris, 1697, and Le retour imprévu, Paris, 1700 ( Brenner, Bibliographical List Clarence Dietz Brenner, A Bibliographical List of plays in the French Language, 1700-1789 , Berkeley, 1947. ; Cioranescu, Bibliographic du dix-septième siècle Alexandre Cioranescu, Bibliographie de la littérature...
2548September. 2d. 1783. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Auteuil. French Comedy: le Joueur et le Retour imprévu. Jean François Regnard, Le joueur, Paris, 1697, and Le retour imprévu, Paris, 1700 ( Brenner, Bibliographical List Clarence Dietz Brenner, A Bibliographical List of plays in the French Language, 1700-1789 , Berkeley, 1947. ; Cioranescu, Bibliographic du dix-septième siècle Alexandre Cioranescu, Bibliographie de la littérature...
25493. (Adams Papers)
Signature of the Definitive Treaty. Unable to make any appreciable progress with their negotiations since the signing of the Preliminary Treaty on 30 Nov. 1782, the British ministry and American commissioners finally accepted those preliminary articles, with some changes, at Hartley’s lodgings in the Hôtel d’York on this day ( JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams ,...
25504. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Hartley’s.