George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Irvine, 7 May 1782

Fort Pitt, May 7th 1782.


Since my last letter to your Excellency, Col. Waibert, the Engineer, has been continually teazing me for leave to go to Philadelphia, which I informed him I could by no means grant without your permission. If your Excellency has nothing more in view for him in this quarter than barely to Superintend repairing the works at this Post, his attendance may, without injury to the Service, be dispensed with, Especially as Major Craig of Artillery is on the Spot, whose knowledge of the Executive part I have more dependance on than Col. Waibert’s. This accompanies his letter on the Subject. With perfect respect, &c.

Wm Irvine

WHi: Lyman Copeland Draper Manuscript Collection.

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