From George Washington to Elias Dayton, 10 June 1782
Head Quarters June 10th 1782
It is extremely painfull to me, to have continually to remark on the irregular manner in which business seems to be conducted at your Post. In my Letter of the 27th May, I directed Colo. Ogdin to transmit Governor Livingston a particular State of the circumstances respecting Mr de Peyster and to take his orders, and if the Governor directed him to be delivered to the Military, to send him with all the papers to Major General Heath. Instead of this being complied with, the Prisoner is sent to Head Quarters without even a single line from anybody, or a single paper respecting the matter; whilst the Prisoner alledges that the Civil Authority has taken the matter up, and did actually issue an Habias Corpus which Colonel Ogden refused to pay any regard to.
I must request that you would immediately transmit me Copies of all the papers that have passed with the Civil Authority on this occasion, and every other information you are possessed of. In a matter of so serious a nature as the Trial of a Citizen for his life, it is certainly necessary that we should be well assured of the legality of our proceedings, and till this is the case nothing can be done in the affair. I am Sir Your Most Obedt Servt
Go: Washington