James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Constant Taber and Asher Robbins, 12 July 1812 (Abstract)

§ From Constant Taber and Asher Robbins

12 July 1812, Newport. Recommend that Capt. David Bartlett be awarded the rank of first captain for Rhode Island and state that Bartlett believes he is entitled to that rank because he has held a commission as a field officer, which the other captain from the state has not. Inform JM that Bartlett has forwarded or will forward evidence of his commission to the president.1

RC (DNA: RG 94, Letters Received, filed under “Bartlett”). 1 p.

1On 6 July 1812 Bartlett sent Alexander Macomb, the acting adjutant general, notification of his rank and service (ibid.). Bartlett’s bid to be listed first of the Rhode Island captains in the Twenty-fifth Infantry Regiment failed. William Battey, the only other Rhode Islander, preceded Bartlett in that regiment’s list (Thomas H. S. Hamersly, ed., Complete Regular Army Register of the United States for One Hundred Years [1779 to 1879] … [Washington, 1880], 80). Eustis also received letters on Bartlett’s behalf from Charles Collins and James De Wolf, dated 15 July 1812, and from Jeremiah B. Howell and James Kennin, dated 16 July 1812 (DNA: RG 94, Letters Received, filed under “Bartlett”).

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