Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Daniel C. Brent, 16 July 1798

From Daniel C. Brent1

Woodstock [Virginia] July 16, 1798. “In a letter which I had the Honor of receiving from you, dated the 26th of Decemr 1793 …2 you did me the favor to assure me that … I might at all times consider myself as entitled to your good Offices, whenever they could be useful to me … and as I am desirous of obtaining an appointment under the Government at this time, you will give me leave therefore to ask the favor of you to furnish me with letters of recommendation to such of the Executive officers at Phila, including the President, as you shall think proper, to be made use of by myself.…”

Copy, in Brent’s handwriting, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1This copy was enclosed in Brent to H, February 2, 1799.

Brent had been a clerk in the Treasury Department until his resignation on January 5, 1794. See Brent to H, December 27, 1793; January 27, 1794. In 1796, Brent, who was pledged to Thomas Jefferson, ran against Charles Simms of Alexandria for the position of elector of the President and Vice President. On October 17, 1796, Brent published an address defending Jefferson from renewed Federalist attacks on his conduct as governor of Virginia during the American Revolution ([Richmond] Virginia Gazette & General Advertiser, November 9, 1796). On November 16, 1796, the Virginia Gazette & General Advertiser announced Brent’s election as elector “for District of Stafford &c.”

2Letter not found.

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