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Results 24961-25010 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Although I have been since I wrote you last Friday constantly engaged in preparing for my...
Permit me to address a few lines to you, in which I am under the disagreeable necessity of...
The Senate resumed the consideration of the motion made the 17th instant, together with the...
Abstract of the Tonnage of foreign Vessels entered in the Ports of the United States from October...
In Answer to the Memorial You did me the Honour to deliver to me on the 8 th. Dec r: , I have to...
I have received your letter of the 5th: of Feby. As you have not agreed to any of my proposals in...
I have weighed with deliberate attention the contents of your letter of yesterday; and altho’...
On the Twenty Eighth of February, I had the Honour of writing to Congress, informing them of my...
Your dft: favor S. Garland for $231, was presented & paid this day, with the addition of $19.86...
I recieved three days ago your favor of the 3 d with it’s benevolent proposition respecting our...
I have been honored with your’s of the 13th. from Gray’s, where I am happy you have secured a...
I this day receiv’d your kind Letter from Springfield. I Set you down in Brookfield in my mind...
The Masonick Ornamts which accompanied your Brotherly Address of the 23d of Jany last, tho’...
Agreeable to your Excellency’s Orders of the 1 3th instant I send enclosed an exact return of the...
By M r Johnson you will recieve a book, for d to my care by Gen l J. G. Swift of New York— MHi .
24976[Diary entry: 6 June 1773] (Washington Papers)
6. Very Cool Wind being fresh from the No. West, & Cloudy.
Yours of 29 July came by this days Post, and made me very happy. Nabby, Charles, and Tommy, will...
Providence, April 21, 1791. “I have been Honor’d with your favour of 11th Inst.… I am much...
Your favor of the 13 th Ins t. was delivered to me last Evening— I admire the generous principles...
The Secretary of War has directed me to transmit to you, for the President’s perusal, the...
I leave the office under the care of Mr Nourse, and if I can stand the journey will set off for...
Deign to accept of the inclosed.—Secretary Dearborn can give you a particular account of the...
A brief, undated set of four comments jotted in pencil by James Madison is the earliest evidence...
This will Acknowledge the receipt of your Letter Dated 12th Inst.—the Contents of which Woud have...
I have reced the Letter your Excelly did me the honor to write me the 18 Instant with the amount...
A few days ago I was favoured with the receipt of a letter from William Strickland Esqr. of York...
Your favor of the 9th instant, enclosing a duplicate of the letter you were so obliging as to...
After the date of my last letter to you from Philadelphia, I inclosed to Mr. Shippen the...
I have received a proposition from Mr. Perry the owner of the lands which separate the two tracts...
I am very unhappy to find by your letter which has just now come to hand that two of mine to you...
The dispatches with which you are charged for Mr. Pinkney, you will deliver to him in London. The...
2499211th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon I went with Mr. D. to see Mr. Normandes. Several persons dined here. After dinner...
The following Extract of a Letter just sent me dated the 18th Inst: from your Excellency’s...
Since my last letter to your Excellency, Col. Waibert, the Engineer, has been continually teazing...
The peculiar hardship of my Situation obliges me to address you on the subject of various claims...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 11 th it referred to something said to be inclosed,...
I am favd with yours by Genl Clinton. I have furnished Genl Schuyler with the Resolve of Congress...
I think with you we had better send to Algiers some of the losing articles in order to secure...
24999[Diary entry: 3 October 1773] (Washington Papers)
3. Clear, Wind at So. West & Warm.
I am offerd a good House in Washington Street on the North River, with an Office, for two hundred...
I inclose you three hundred & fifty dollars to cover two drafts I make on you in favr. of Saml. &...
According to my letter of yesterday I now inclose you the treasurer’s order on mr Gibbons for...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of three Letters from you & to ask pardon for the appearance of...
This Work was Executed, by Order of his late Royal Highness William Duke of Cumberland and a few...
Mr Jay has the honor of transmitting herewith enclosed to the President of the United States, a...
You are hereby notified, that the President has this day conditionally appointed you a Cadet in...
Your letter has come safely to hand; & I should have wrote to you sooner but could not find any...
In my travels, through several countys of the state of Pennsylvania, three different, political...
25009Indian Lands, [28 February] 1795 (Madison Papers)
On 17 February Washington forwarded to Congress the laws passed by the Georgia General Assembly...
I addressed you on the 8th. of this Instant on a very disagreeable affair, not recieving any...