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Results 24961-24970 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
When I was almost out of patience and out of humour at your presumptuous delay, in not showing yourself duly sensible of the honor done you, by me, your epistle opportunely came to hand, and has put all matters tolerably to rights. As I thought it well enough written, and no discredit to you, I ventured to show it to a Gentleman of our family. He was silly enough to imagine, that I did this...
[ Morristown, New Jersey May, 1777. “Mr. Carter who I am told is a friend of the cause has been here to complain that some persons under the Commersary’s orders, insist on taking from him two labouring oxen, which he cannot possibly spare from the business of his farm. As Agriculture is as necessary to go on as anything else, as The General wishes not unreasonably to distress the inhabitants...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] June 1, 1777. Discusses arrival of Du Coudray. Approves of removal of military stores. LS , in writing of H, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston. Philippe Charles Jean Baptiste Tronson du Coudray. By an agreement with Silas Deane, Du Coudray was to receive the rank of major general. Although Congress rejected this agreement, he did receive this rank in August, 1777.
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] June 1, 1777. Orders all troops not needed for the Long Island expedition to Peekskill, New York. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Parsons was in New Haven, Connecticut, recruiting men for the Continental Army.
I received your favour per express, and as the absence of my former respectable correspondents has made a change necessary, I am happy that you have been substituted in their room. Except a body of Militia at and about Pumpton and a few detachments of observation, our whole army is now collected at two points; the main body here, and a division under General Sullivan at Princeton. Though this...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] June 2, 1777. Remonstrates against murder of William Martin. LS , in writing of H, George Washington Photostats, Library of Congress; Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. For details of Martin’s murder, see H to John Jay, June 2, 1777 .
By order of His Excellency, I am to acknowlege receipt of your favour of yesterday. The General is astonished at that extraordinary want of cloathing you mention; as Mr. Mease informed Mr. Tilghman that a full proportion of this article had been retained in Massachusetts for all its troops. It is unaccountable, that they should be ⟨so⟩ unprovided, unless the cloaths destined for them should...
Middlebrook Camp [ New Jersey ] June 2, 1777. Encloses news from Northern Department. Deplores deficiency of troops. States that Colonel Elias Boudinot is going to Philadelphia to discuss exchange of prisoners. Df , in writing of H; last line and postscript in writing of Robert Hanson Harrison, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Boudinot was commissary general for prisoners,...
His Excellency has received your favour of this Day. In answer to it he commands me to inform you that though he is exceedingly happy to hear such an animation prevails among the inhabitants, yet he can by no means, consent to put arms in their hands. This article is too much wanted for the Continental army to be spared to the militia; and experience has taught us, that there has been infinite...
His Excellency has examined your Provision report; and finds every part of it very well, except that relating to the placing a quantity at Trenton. This is the most improper place in the world; for if the enemy should move towards Philadelphia the provisions at trentown in the hurry occasioned by such an event would inevitably fall into their hands. You will therefore without loss of time have...