George Washington Papers

Memoranda, 13 June 1757


[Fort Loudoun] June 13th [1757]


Not to receive any but what is fit for the Service; reject all that are old—Subject to Fits—and otherwise infirm.

Keep Copy’s of all the Receipts given for the Men: take exact lists of their Names—Countys they Come from hight Age Complection &ca so soon as they are receivd.

Give the Officer who receives them a Copy of the Act to govern himself by.

Dont let him give receipts either for Arms Cloaths or anything else unless orderd so by the Act.

13 Edwards’s2

Enquire how that Garrison is provided with Ammunition & send them some.


Send there and see if a man can be engagd to teach the Fife.

13 Fort Loudoun

Have the returns for Provisions & other things relating to this Duty put under better regulation’s.

And Order the Commissary some times to give out Bacon to the Troops.

AD, NN: Washington Collection. See source note, Memoranda, 7 June 1757.

2The memoranda headed “13 Edwards’s,” “Philadelphia,” and “13 Fort Loudoun” have not been crossed out. The reports from John Dagworthy at Fort Cumberland on 14 June of the approach of a large enemy force may have distracted GW before he attended to these matters.

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