James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Edward Carrington, 25 December 1790

From Edward Carrington

Richmond Decr. 25. 1790

My dear Sir

It was my intention to have committed to Mr. Giles the successor of Colo. Bland for the district in which I reside, a letter of introduction to you, but his recovering from a spell of Sickness and setting out for Phila. earlier than I expected prevented my doing so. You must before this have formed some acquaintance with him yet I cannot forbear to recommend him as my valuable Freind to your particular attention. Though yet a very young man he has acquired high reputation in both the superior & inferior Courts of this State. You will find him upon trial to possess real genius, acquired knowledge, & solid honesty such as will make him a valuable Co-adjutor in our representation.1 I am my dr sir with great regard yr Afft. Freind & St.

Ed Carrington

RC (DLC); Tr (NN).

1Carrington also wrote to Giles on this day, advising him “to form as close an acquaintance [with JM] as possible, I doubt not your striking his mind to advantage, in which case you will find it easy to gain his confidence, and you will always find that circumstance greatly to your benefit in your political walks” (Carrington to William B. Giles, 25 Dec. 1790 [CSmH]).

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