Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Daniel Brent, 7 August 1804

From Daniel Brent

Dept of State, Augt 7. 1804.


The Marshal of this District left in my hands a few days ago, in the absence of Mr Wagner, the enclosed list of persons, as suitable Characters for Justices of the peace in Washington County; and he informed me at the same time that it was your wish, a Commission should be made out, & forwarded to you, for the persons recommended by him. I take the liberty therefore, the Chief Clerk being still absent, to forward a Blank Commission to you herewith, as well as the Marshal’s memorandum. I have the Honor to be, with the highest Respect, Sir,

Your Mo: Obedt & very Hble servt.

Danl Brent.

RC (DLC); at foot of text: “The President of the U States”; endorsed by TJ as received 12 Aug. and “Justices for Washington” and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure: undated list of persons in Daniel Carroll Brent’s hand, naming Samuel Hamilton, Samuel N. Smallwood, and Robert Alexander, Jr. (MS in same). Other enclosure not found.

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