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Results 24951-24980 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have the honor to enclose for your signature Commissions for the following gentlemen, now Lieutenants { Charles Stewart— Captain in the Navy. Isaac Hull } to be Masters Commandants Andrew Sterett John Shaw Isaac Chauncey John Smith Richard Somers Stephen Decatur & George Cox now Midshipmen { Arthur St. Clair
24952[Diary entry: 9 February 1773] (Washington Papers)
9. Ground froze—but wind getting Southerly it presently turnd warm & thawing.
I have this morning recd. yours of the 5 inst: those of the 3 & 4. having previously come to hand. They are accompanied by the Reports of the Board of Officers, on the organization of the Army—on the plan for establishing a N. & S. division Military Depts. &c. &c—and respecting Hospital Surgeons, Judge Advocates & Chaplains. It were to be wished that the act relating to the Peace Establishment...
I do myself the honor to transmit to you an Address from the Republican Citizens of Alleghany County (Maryland), which they have thought proper to request me to present—Should you return an answer, they request It may be done thro: me & that the Address & Answer may be published in one of our Papers— Mr. Dawson will sail on sunday the ship being perfectly ready—. He mentions that I am wanted...
It was my intention to have committed to Mr. Giles the successor of Colo. Bland for the district in which I reside, a letter of introduction to you, but his recovering from a spell of Sickness and setting out for Phila. earlier than I expected prevented my doing so. You must before this have formed some acquaintance with him yet I cannot forbear to recommend him as my valuable Freind to your...
The following is a copy of an anonymous communication made to me, which has since produced a correspondence with the writer, and a disclosure of the Cypher, therein alluded to, a copy of which I also subjoin. Copy “Mr. Duane In addition to the facts stated in your paper of this morning, you may add the following if you think proper. That in the month of July last, a confidential friend of...
I did not sooner answer your favor of the 19th . because I have had reason till now to doubt whether Mr. Remsen was decided to resign his office of Chief clerk with me. In the mean time too I found there would be real difficulties from the other clerks the senior of whom thought himself entitled to succeed, and the juniors to approach so much nearer to the succession, and that if cut off from...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je prie votre Excellence d’agreer Les assurances de mon respect et supposer qu’elle n’ait plus besoin des Lettres de William Pen, de vouloir bien les remettre au porteur de ce billet, parceque jai promis de les rendre a mon retour a Paris qui sera mardi ou mercredi. Si votre excellence a occasion d’envoyer a Paris faire quelque commission je lui serai...
In behalf of the New-York Historical Society , I beg leave to solicit your assistance toward the formation of a Zoological Museum. For the purpose of becoming more extensively and intimately acquainted with the animal creation, a plan has been digested for collecting specimens and productions from the different tribes. These it is intended to preserve and arrange in an apartment allotted for...
ALS : Connecticut Historical Society I am just Setting off for Nantes. Have Setteled Accounts with Messrs. Desegray Beaugeard fils & Co. for the Disbursements of the ship Dolphin and have drawn on You for the amount of the Same 4703.10.0 Livres. I have taken fifty Guineas of this Amount along with me in case I Shou’d not find Mr. Williams at Nantes. I shall as usual give the Dolphin Credit for...
Although I have been since I wrote you last Friday constantly engaged in preparing for my departure, I have not been able to get away this day as I had intended, and it is possible that I may not go before the last of the week; beyond that time I do not see the prospect of being detained, and indeed my present intention is to start the day after to-morrow—If I pass Friday I shall write you...
Permit me to address a few lines to you, in which I am under the disagreeable necessity of applying to the humanity of some Gentleman for a little pecuniary Aid and assistance; being at time, upwards of five hundred miles, from home; and on my return to that home; I have been to the westward in the persuit of some Lands which fell to my Lot, for service in the revolutionary Army, and am...
The Senate resumed the consideration of the motion made the 17th instant, together with the amendment proposed on the 23d respecting the correspondences which have been had between the Minister of the United States, at the republic of France, and said republic: And on motion to agree to the resolution amended as follows: Resolved, that the President of the Ud States be requested to lay before...
Abstract of the Tonnage of foreign Vessels entered in the Ports of the United States from October 1st. 1789 to September 30th. 1790. France 13,435 Holland 8,815 Sweden 311 Prussia 394 Spain 8,551 Portugal 2,924 Denmark 1,619 Germany 1,368 British Dominions 225,495 262,912
In Answer to the Memorial You did me the Honour to deliver to me on the 8 th. Dec r: , I have to observe to You, Sir, that it is His Majesty’s fixed Determination, upon the present, as well as on every other Occasion, to act in perfect Conformity to the strictest Principles of Justice and good Faith. The Seventh Article both of the Provisional and of the Definitive Treaties between His Majesty...
I have received your letter of the 5th: of Feby. As you have not agreed to any of my proposals in my last letter I now make a new one and that is that we both write in a petition or requisition to the fence viewers of the town that they would go upon the spot choose their own surveyor examine all the witnesses that they may summon or that either party may produce before them & determine the...
I have weighed with deliberate attention the contents of your letter of yesterday; and altho’ that consideration may result in an approbation of the ideas the[re]in suggested; yet I do not, at present, feel myself authorized to give a sanction to the measures which you propose. For, as the Constitution of the United States, & the Laws made under it, must mark the line of my official conduct, I...
On the Twenty Eighth of February, I had the Honour of writing to Congress, informing them of my Intention of returning home, in Consequence of the new Commission which Superceded mine: on the first of March, I had again the Honour of writing Some interesting Information concerning the unprecedented Interest which the british Government are obliged to give for the Loan of Money, for the Service...
Your dft: favor S. Garland for $231, was presented & paid this day, with the addition of $19.86 interest from 12 Oct r “20.” —say in all $250.86, which is at your debit. My clerk informs me your Books from Balto: were ford d on the 18th: Inst: , by a careful Waggoner to the care of Ja s Leitch Esq e of
I recieved three days ago your favor of the 3 d with it’s benevolent proposition respecting our deceased & unfortunate friend W. C. Nicholas . he left no son under a course of education. of his three sons, the eldest, Col o Robert , is engaged in an enterprise in Louisiana with his brother in law John Smith . the second is hesitating between that and the study of the law. they are both of them...
I have been honored with your’s of the 13th. from Gray’s, where I am happy you have secured a safe and agreeable retreat. I had kept a copy of your letter to Genl. Turreau. I think it adviseable to publish the list of bills drawn by Genl. Armstrong, because it will convey useful information to the claimants, will free us from the trouble of answering numerous enquiries, and it is not too...
I this day receiv’d your kind Letter from Springfield. I Set you down in Brookfield in my mind that day however I think you did right to go on as fast as you could the President must want both you & mr Brisler & could I think you would have any rest after you arriv’d I should feel better about you. but I do hope you will not think of Staying thro the hot months your Life is of too much...
The Masonick Ornamts which accompanied your Brotherly Address of the 23d of Jany last, tho’ elegant in themselves, were rendered more valuable by the flattering sentiments, and affectionate manner, in which they were presented. If my endeavours to avert the Evil, with which this Country was threatned by a deliberate plan of Tyranny, should be crowned with the success that is wished—the praise...
Agreeable to your Excellency’s Orders of the 1 3th instant I send enclosed an exact return of the Troops under my Command—I likewise enclose a Letter from Greenock in Scotland intercepted by some of my Troops upon Long Island. am with respect your Exellency’s most Obt Humble Servant DLC : Papers of George Washington.
By M r Johnson you will recieve a book, for d to my care by Gen l J. G. Swift of New York— MHi .
24976[Diary entry: 6 June 1773] (Washington Papers)
6. Very Cool Wind being fresh from the No. West, & Cloudy.
Yours of 29 July came by this days Post, and made me very happy. Nabby, Charles, and Tommy, will have the small Pox, well, I dont doubt. Tell John he is a very lucky young Gentleman, to have it so much better, than his Mamma, his sister, and Brothers. Mr. S amuel A dams will set out for Boston, on Monday, the 12. of August. I shall write by him. But I will not neglect Writing a few Lines by...
Providence, April 21, 1791. “I have been Honor’d with your favour of 11th Inst.… I am much obliged Sir, by your friendly communication and advice Respecting the Future prospect of a further Compensation to be made the Officers of the Customs.… I will Continue to execute the Duties of my Office, presuming, that it cannot be the Interest or Intention of the Legislature to appoint a person as...
Your favor of the 13 th Ins t. was delivered to me last Evening— I admire the generous principles which lead you to take so decided & friendly a part in favor of America— I have too great confidence in the Honor; Justice & gratitude of Congress to Suspect that they will permit you to be sufferers by your Exertions in their favor— On the contrary I am persuaded they will entertain a proper...
The Secretary of War has directed me to transmit to you, for the President’s perusal, the enclosed dispatches, just received from Brigadier Wilkinson and Governor Blount, dated the 12th ulto. I am Sir, Most respectfully, Your obedt Servt ALS , DLC:GW ; LB , DLC:GW . The letter from James Wilkinson to Henry Knox of 12 Feb. has not been identified. According to GW’s executive journal, this...