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Results 24951-24980 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I was closing up a letter, which I wrote yesterday to my dear Mother when I received, from Archangel, your favour of 7. April—hers of 12. of the same Month, and that of my brother of 18. March—A former letter from him, had already excited our anxiety for his infant Child—A subsequent paragraph in a Boston Newspaper, had apprized me of its decease—My Heart bleeds again with his, at this Event;...
The monies approprd. by 1st. Sect. of Act herein mentioned, not being stated to be for the use of the navy cannot by the Secy. of the Treasury be ordered for that purpose. It must on the contrary be observed that the words used are the same wh. have in former laws been exclusively applied to fortifications & been accordingly placed under the controul of the Secy. of War. RC ( DLC ). Docketed...
I addressed a line to you on the 5th, & am happy to learn that Colo Porter has the command of Fort Independence; that he has upwards of three hundred men; & that he is daily receiving reinforcements. Sure I am, that nothing will be wanting on the part of the Republicans in this State, to aid General Dearborn, & to promote the veiws & orders of the national Government. It is impossible to say,...
At a legal Town meeting of the Inhabitance of the Town of Lyman in the county of york for the Purpose of Expressing our minds on the Desstressing situation of our Publick affairs in regard to the Declaration of war with great Britain and the great Provibilaty of our alliance with france at a very full meeting, the question was then taken to know who was for Peace and who was for war, a motion...
It is only under the apprehension of its being my duty, that I am induced to address a letter to thee upon the present occasion. The Spanish Privateer schooner Genl. Morla, with 32 affrican negroes on board, having put into this Port, under the pretext of being in distress, was libeled for a breach of the laws of the U. S. In a conversation which I have just had with the collector of this...
13 July 1812. “Whereas it highly concerns the Citizens of this Town, in union with the whole family of the United States at large; to take into serious and deliberate consideration our present situation relative to the high & aggravated injustice which this nation hath repeatedly experienced from the British Government; and for which purpose this meeting is now convened. Therefore, Resolved,...
13 July 1812. “Resolved, that we view with sorrow, a departure from our neutral, or Washingtonian principles. 1st. Because it is destructive to our interests and the peace and happiness of the community. 2d. Because it has a direct tendency to enslave those Nations who are struggling for their liberty on the Continent of Europe. “Resolved, that we do not so much dread a war with Great-Britain,...
The suit of Samuel Scott of Campbell against Harrison and myself, altho without palpably groundless, has still a right to go through all the regular forms; and as I had sold the lands to Harrison before the suit, it is my interest, & my anxious wish to quiet him in his title and to force the suit thro’ all it’s forms, as quickly as possible. Harrison having borrowed from Scott a copy of his...
The suit of Livingston against myself in the court of which you are the clerk was I believed believe dismissed at the plaintiff’s costs. I have to request the favor of you to send me a bill of the costs which I am entitled to recover of him, and information who was his security for them, as there is little opportunity of demanding them from him. PoC ( MoSHi : TJC-BC ); at foot of text: “The...
With the Drawings &c I received your Letter of the 3 rd Inst: & am sorry that the Description of the Spinning machine had not been more perfectly executed, by which you would with greater facility have comprehended the several parts. The roving part is described very much in the Stile of the Descriptions in the Cyclopadia; referring to the roving Jack is like referring to a Book out of print....
A suit has been brought by Samuel Scott of Campbell county against myself & Samuel Harrison of Lynchburg for a parcel of land which I had sold to Harrison . it is palpably groundless, but yet has a right to go through all the usual forms, & I wish to push it through them with all the celerity possible, from an anxiety to quiet Harrison in his title. having borrowed from Harrison a copy of the...
The political Condition of the World, not only engrosses all our thoughts, but absorbs all our faculties. A new War is just blazing out in the Country where I reside, and within three days distance of where I am—I have been nearly three years observing its Causes and witnessing its approaches, with the deep concern, that a common feeling of humanity, strengthened by the peculiar interest in...
1. Organise regularly the encampment at Albany by marching there all the recruits, those intended for Niagara excepted 2. Invite offers of volunteers every where, but not giving orders to march (those intended for Niagara excepted) until the number in most places be ascertained, and it be known whether the changes in England will produce immediate peace The inviting offers as aforesaid through...
12 July 1812. “Understanding that the office of Consul General of Portugal will become vacant in consequence of the return of George Jefferson Esquire to America, and that an application is about to be made for the appointment, in behalf of Richard M Lawrence Esquire a Native Citizen of the State of New York now and for two years past a resident in Lisbon: The Subscribers from a knowlege of...
12 July 1812, Newport. Recommend that Capt. David Bartlett be awarded the rank of first captain for Rhode Island and state that Bartlett believes he is entitled to that rank because he has held a commission as a field officer, which the other captain from the state has not. Inform JM that Bartlett has forwarded or will forward evidence of his commission to the president. RC ( DNA : RG 94,...
Of all the faculties of the human mind that of Memory is the first which suffers decay from Age. of the commencement of this decay, I was fully sensible while I lived in Washington , & it was my earliest Monitor to retire from public business. it has often since been the source of great regret, when applied to by others to attest transactions in which I had been an agent, to find that they had...
I have come up from Norfolk prepared to offer proofs to government of that unabating zeal for the public safety & prosperity which your late proclamation recommends; and to demonstrate to Administration that I am in a condition to be useful at the present crisis in many particulars resulting from singular pursuits, exclusive knowledge of our military & maritime topography, and many years...
11 July 1812, Albany. Bears “unqualified testimony” in favor of Samuel Russell of New York, who will be recommended to the president for the office of deputy commissary general. Printed copy (Hugh Hastings, ed., Public Papers of Daniel D. Tompkins, Governor of New York, 1807–1817: Military [3 vols.; New York and Albany, 1898–1902], 3:25–26). On 9 Nov. 1812 JM nominated Samuel Russell to be...
The directors of the Rivanna company intend to recommence their operations on Monday next Their first essay will be at the Milton falls, where they have determined to make a sluice around the Island in preference to improving the sluice one which y r self & M r Jefferson have attempted. This course they deem much more practicable in the execution, & much safer for the passage of boats, on...
I am honored with the luminous observations your kindness did bestow on M r & Mad e de Beauvois claims: they establish, in each point of view, such clair principles, which will perclude the necessity further to interfere with the precious moments of your solicitudes. I am going to transmit them to M r Oster for his directions; reserving the liberty to render you an account of any issu in the...
Proofs to be obtained. Martin. W m P. copy of entry of 1789. Stith’s handwriting. Martin Steptoe his rec t and account. ✓ patent. office copy. Scott’s lre & handwriting.
The separate answer of Thomas Jefferson , one of the defs to the bill of complaint of Samuel Scott Complainant . This defendant saving & reserving to himself, now & at all times hereafter, all advantage & benefit of all uncertainties, untruths & imperfections whatever of the Compl t ’s sd bill, for answer thereunto, or to so much thereof as materially concerneth this def. to make answer unto,...
I beg you would not consider yourself obliged to answer my Letters. Your Time is prescious, mine of no Value. I thank you for the contrast. Striking it is. General Mifflin behaved nobly. But Muhlenbourgs, Coxes &c &c how did they? In Strong and Goodhue you See the Whiggism or rather the Republicanism, of Strait Hair ; as well as in Pickering. Liberty sometimes wears Strait Hair: but Strait...
As an inconsiderable testimonial of the deep veneration I entertain for your talents, virtues and patriotic services, allow me to ask your acceptance of a copy of an oration delivered at our last anniversary festival by your / Most respectful / and Sincere / humble servant— MHi : Adams Papers.
I beg you will do me the honor to accept a copy of a discourse I delivered on the 4th of July at this place. The present crisis of our country, Sir, is most momentous; but it seems greatly to be feared that the powerful and intelligent state of Massachusetts will not yield her zealous cooperation to the nation in its present struggle. With constant wishes for your health and happiness allow...
I have rec d . your letter of the 8 th . inst. William is at Bloomingdale but purposes I believe to return to Bedford this afternoon. A Flag of Truce has just arrived from Halifax where the Declaration of War when she sailed was still unknown to inquire the Reason of an attack made by Commodore Rogers with his Squadron upon the English Frigate Belvidere. It seems Rogers fell in with this...
Since my last address I have been induced to make an observation to your Excellency that an most rigid precaution is necessary to be taken with the Blacks amongst us I beg you will recollect they have an Emperor amongst them—this I pray your Excellency will particularly notice. A further explanation I can give if necessary. I beg your Excellency will recollect that I look up to you as a father...
Since I had the pleasure of addressing you this Morning—I have had a conversation with Sergeant Forrest of the Marine Corps and I pray your Excellency will allow me to observe that it is not his friendly disposition which makes him hold his present Situation. I pray you will excuse this but as I look up to you as a father—I consider I have a right to make an observation in where my Countrys...
Fully aware of your unceasing and important occupations and duly Sensible how presumptuous it is in me to obtrude my personal interests on those moments which are wholly devoted to my Country, I look only for indulgence to your benignity of Character and hope that the great and pressing importance (even to the continuance of my life) of the Subject of the present will ensure me your...
I presume that I shall be pardoned in addressing to you this letter, when it is understood that motives of respect for an aged Father and veteran officer are the causes which induced me to intrude on you. Major Zebulon Pike of the […] ⟨In⟩fantry, enter⟨ed⟩ th⟨e⟩ military service of our country in 1775 and served to the peace of 1783, when he held the rank of Captain of Dragoons for five years;...