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Results 24951-24960 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Votre probité et votre Reputation me Repondent de votre honneteté sur un procedé qui ne peut vous appartenir. Le nommé le noir qui est encore a mon service me demande son congé disant que vous l’avés arreté a 200 l.t. de gages et d’autres proffits. Comme il a ma livrée sur le corps il ne peut estre en monsieur frankelin de prendre a son service un valet...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We print this letter, from the Spanish Mediterranean port of Alicante, because it is the first example of a type that soon became common. As the likelihood grew that American independence would be maintained, Trezarrieu’s isolated request for a consulship gave place to a flood of applications. These we shall résumé together in future volumes as we now...
24953General Orders, 2 September 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Honorable the Congress having desired the Commander in Chief to detach from the militia, as soon as possible, such a number of workmen, as he should think necessary, to repair with dispatch, the arms now in the city of Philadelphia; The Brigadiers of the militia are earnestly desired to make immediate enquiry, in their several brigades, for such workmen, and without a moments delay,...
I have a complaint lodged against your Corps by a number of the reputable Inhabitants in the Neighbourhood of Elk. As I find that your men cannot be restrained from committing Violences while in the Country, I desire you will immediately march them up to this Town. I am Sir Your hble Servt. Copy, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . This remonstrance, which has...
The Complaints made to you against my Corps, are the more personal as I derive the Command of it from Your Excellency, as I love and respect this Corps in the light of a Gift which comes to me from you, and as it is my constant Attention to render it as well as myself worthy of your Favour; if Your Excellency previous to casting Reproaches upon me, with respect to which from my Ignorance of...
I recd your Letter of the 28th last, in consequence of which I have taken the Command of the Militia on this Shore—If the Gentlemen arrive here to take the Command, agreeable to the resolution of Congress, I shall pay you a Visit at Head Quarters—The want of arms in these upper Counties dispirits the Inhabitants very much—Every thing has been done to collect the Companies, but from their...
We have the honor to send your Excellency herewith a number of hand bills published by order of Congress, in that form, for the more easy dispersion thro the army, that the troops may be made acquainted with and emulate the conduct of their brave northern and eastern brethren. Wishing you health and success we are with much esteem and regard your Excellencies most obedient humble servants...
the most expeditious manner of Carrying on the Works requisite to secure the Camp is to fix the troops upon the ground Where they are to incamp, the engineers Deal out to each brigade the Work to be Done, and the Brigadeers are answerable for the execution of the Work it is understood that the engineers ride along the Line and give the necessary Directions that the Works might be regular. I...
Inclosd is a letter from Mr Levi Hollingsworth relative to the situation of the Stores in that quarter —General Mughlenburg has marched with his detachment to cover the removeal of the Stores—If your Excellency thinks any additional force is necessary it shall be sent immediately—I wait your further Orders and am your Excellencies Most Obedient & very humbl. Servt ALS , DLC:GW . Robert Hanson...
Your Letter of the 31st Ulto to Mr Harrison has been laid before me. My motive for wishing you to continue in the Sixth Regiment was founded on a report that you could readily engage All or most of the Privates in it to serve dureing the War. This I considered as a happy circumstance; But as it may make little difference Whether you remain in that, or have the First, and as Colo. Elliot has...