George Washington Papers

Henry Knox to Bartholomew Dandridge, Jr., 14 May 1794

Henry Knox to Bartholomew Dandridge, Jr.

14. May 1794

Dear Sir

Please to submit the enclosed letter to the President of the U.S., which is conformable to the principles agreed upon by the heads of departments and the attorney General1 The secretary of state has agreed to the draft, but the secretary of the treasury has been too busy to peruse it. If the President should approve it, I beleive it may yet be put on board the active Capt. Welsh for charleston, with the other letters.2 Yours sincerely

H. Knox


1The enclosure may have been Knox’s second letter to Georgia governor George Mathews of this date (G-Ar: RG 22, series 1, subseries 68). That letter conveyed GW’s consent to the erection and garrisoning of blockhouses along the Georgia frontier, in accord with the proposal submitted in Knox’s second letter to GW of 1 May.

2The brig Active made regular runs between Philadelphia and the ports of Charleston, S.C., and Savannah, Georgia. Her captain at this time was Aaron Welsh (d. 1797), who resided on South Front Street in Philadelphia. The other letters likely included Knox’s first letter to Mathews of this date (see Knox to GW, this date, n.1), his instructions to Lt. Col. Henry Gaither (ASP, Foreign Relations description begins Walter Lowrie et al., eds. American State Papers. Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States. 38 vols. Washington, D.C., Gales and Seaton, 1832–61. description ends , 1:460), and his orders to John Habersham about supplies for Mathews (not identified).

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