George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Robert Townsend Hooe, 29 March 1785

From Robert Townsend Hooe

Alexandria, [Va.] March 29. 1785.


I had the honor of receiving Your Excellency’s favor of this date by your Man this day.1

Major Jenifer writes me he intended to draw in your favor for 1000—or 1200£ Md Currency—every attention shall be paid to his draft—& I wish immediately to know the exact sum you want in New York, as I can accommodate you there, I believe—The sooner I get your demand upon that place the sooner I can make provision for it.2 I am sir, Yr Excellencys most Affe Servt

R. Td Hooe

ALS, DLC:GW. GW wrote on the cover: “favor of Doctr [David] Stewart.”

1Letter not found.

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