Results 2491-2500 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
24916th. Thursd. (Adams Papers)
Dined this day with a great deal of Company at Baron Claes Ahlströmmers; in the evening I went to the play and afterwards I return’d again to Baron Ahlströmmers where I supp’d.
24928th. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon Mr. Schiebe arrived here from Marstrand, we decided to set out next Tuesday for Copenhagen.
Last evening at about 10 o’clock I went to a Mascarade Ball which we had in Town. As it was but the second that has ever been given in this place it was not very brilliant And the masks were almost all the same; the men dressed in sailors, and the women in Country girls almost universally, but it was very well for a beginning. I stay’d there till about 4. o’clock this morning, when I return’d...
249412th. Wednesd. (Adams Papers)
We came this day as far as Warberg Varberg which is about 6. miles Swed: from Kungsbacka. The roads are so terrible bad that we shall not be able to go at all, the nights. The weather has been pretty good all day, but very cold.
249513th. Thursd. (Adams Papers)
We rose this morning at about 7. o’clock and left Warberg, we rode till about Nine o’clock this evening when we arrived at Halmstad. The distance is about 7. Swed: miles. The roads are extremely bad all the way.
249614th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
After having rode this day about 8. miles Swedish, we arrived at about 9. o’clock, P.M. At Helsingborg Hälsingborg which is the last town in Sweden.
249715th. Saturd. (Adams Papers)
Having left Helsingborg this morning at about 10’ o’clock, we pass’d the Sound and at about 11. we arriv’d at Elseneur Helsingör which is the first Danish town. We stay’d there about 2 hours to refresh ourselves and have our trunks examined and set out from there at about 1’ o’clock afternoon, and arrived at Copenhagen at about 7. o’clock. Copenhagen is distant from Elseneur 5 German Miles; we...
249816th. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went with the Count and Mr. Schiebe to see the royal Cabinet of curiosities which is vast; but not much in order; there are some very curious things in it; but there are others which are not worth looking at. There are two pieces of silver just as they came out of the mines in Norway, one of which is worth 5,000 Rxdallers, Danish and the other about 3,000. One would think seeing...
249917th. Mond. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon We went to see a Gentleman who has a Cabinet of Curiosities, in Painting, sea shells and insects. His Cabinet is pretty well furnish’d but not entirely in order. In the evening we all went to the play but stay’d there only a few minutes because it was so full. The King goes almost every Night to the play, but was not there this evening because the Prince Frederick’s consort is...
250018th. Tuesd. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Schiebe and I have engaged places in the vessel that is to sail for Kiel but the wind is contrary at present. This day I went and carried a letter of Introduction I had for Mr. Soeren Lycke a merchant of this town. I walk’d about the town in the afternoon with Count Greco. In the evening we went to a Coffee House.