Results 2491-2500 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have heard much of your progress in French German & Russian but little of your Proficiency in Greek and Latin. I have no great partiality for the pursuit of a great Variety of Languages. I never knew or read of a Man celebrated for reading, writing and speaking Eleven Languages who was good for any thing else. Greek and latin are indispensible for a Scholar; and with these he may easily...
I have received two very pretty Letters from you, with which I have been much pleased, both with the composition, and the hand writing. I should long ago, have written to you if I had known how to have conveyd my Letter to you! I think much about you, and your Mother, Since your Father left you, and more, Since your uncle and Aunt Smith; and your dear little Cousin have all come away I think...
I have duly considered your affectionate Letter of the 25th. of last Month, and shall be glad to see you here , during your approaching vacation—I will direct your brother George to furnish you the money, necessary for the journey, and assure you of the cordial welcome which I hope and trust will always endear your father’s house to you as your home . I do not altogether understand that part...
I now hope to see you, after 8 years Absence. I cannot write you a formal Letter. You have a kind of fame for a facility of learning Languages. Let me caution you against indulging that Curiosity too much. Languages are a boundless and unfathomable Ocean. Greek and Latin and Arithmatick and Geometry are your most proper Studies at present. French and Italian and German will be easy here after...
The character you give of your friend Dawes is so pleasing, that I am much rejoiced at your having met such a friend, and I hope your friendship will prove as durable as the good qualities on which it is founded—The adventures of a Fancy must be very amusing from your extract, and the moral appears to be excellent—It shews you that you must never do evil in the hope that good may come of it,...
What is the reason you do not write me? Are you determined to relinquish all intercourse with your Mother or are your avocations so very severe arduous that you cannot find a little time to devote to me—Commencement now approaches fast are there any very distinguished scholars in the present Class or is it to be very mesquin? George is quite pleased with our Washington Summer contrary to his...
Well, Charles, how comes on the file? is yours as big as John’s? are your walks so delightful you cannot get one moment of time to write me? or are you so busy in giving your french Lessons to your friend Dawes that you are obliged to decline my correspondence?—I am so perfectly sure that you have some very good reason for your silence I by no means wish to reproach you—But as it is long time...
Why will you give way to despondence? the time you have been at College has been too short in any way to decide upon your Scholarship and you should not dwell too much upon your standing as long as you exert yourself to improve it—I am told that it is not customary to let young men know any thing about it for fear of exciting jealousy therefore you cannot ascertain what is perfectly immaterial...
John in his last Letter to me tells me that you make a secret of my Letters to you and will not let him see them—I did not think you were so boyish more especially since you have become a Sophomore—Do not then embitter by such nonsense the hours you have to spend together and be assured that the affection of your Mother is so equally divided between her Sons that each is the equal object of...
Your father was amused by your last Letter and glad to learn that you were pleased with any part of your studies and thinks that your distate of Mathematics may decrease as you advance in your course—George is gone to Rockville to visit Johnson whose health is very indifferent in consequence he says of severe study and probably some other nameless causes—He has not been up since you saw him...