Results 2491-2520 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
2491Memoranda, 12 June 1757 (Washington Papers)
Write to him in behalf of the Govr to know whether he can furnish the Virginia Troops with arms. Also ask him what Batmen are allowd to a Company in thier Service—and what to each Officer. June 12 to be done in Winchester Have the Prisoners tryd to morrow. Enquire of the Officers Ensign Perts Character—The Officers refusing to Rank with him. AD , NN : Washington Collection. See source note,...
The enclosed is a return of the Subaltern Officers and Cadets in the Virginia Regiment, set down according to their seniority. I think it proper to send this to your Honor that you may be enabled to fill up the Commissions below, if you prefer, it, rather than sending blank ones to the officers who have resigned their commissions at different times, of which your Honor has been informed. Since...
If your Honor is pleased to promote the Officers &c. according to their seniority, and present Rank in the Regiment: They will then, if there are twelve companies, stand as follows. Lieutenants Lieutenants 13 Peter Steenburgen 1 Capt. Lt Jno. McNeil 14 John Campbell 2 Christopher Gist 15 John King 3 Thomas Bullet 16 James Baker 4 Walter Stewart 17 Nathanl Gist 5 Hancock Eustace 18 Mordecai...
Since closing my packet for your Honor of this date, I have received by Express, from Fort Cumberland the agreeable news of Lt Bakers return to that place with 5 scalps & one french officer, prisoner. Two other officers were also made prisoners; but one of them being wounded and unable to march, the Indians killed; and the other they served in the same manner soon after: and both contrary to...
I embrace this opportunity of congratulating you upon your safe return; and of thanking you, for the Services you have done the public, in your late scout and skirmish. I was greatly surprized at not receiving an account of this matter from yourself: but am satisfied, there was some particular reason why I did not: For I can not believe that you, who have behaved so well in one respect, wou’d...
2496Memoranda, 13 June 1757 (Washington Papers)
Draughts: Not to receive any but what is fit for the Service; reject all that are old—Subject to Fits—and otherwise infirm. Keep Copy’s of all the Receipts given for the Men: take exact lists of their Names—Countys they Come from hight Age Complection &ca so soon as they are receivd. Give the Officer who receives them a Copy of the Act to govern himself by. Dont let him give receipts either...
2497Memorandum, 14 June 1757 (Washington Papers)
Colo. Stanwix. Send him Colo. Carlyles Letter. Write him abt Lieutt Bakers Success. That the People come in pretending to be from Captn Spotswoods party must be Deserters. That Our Assembly have voted 80,000 for raising 1200 Men &ca. That I shoud be glad to know whether the Officers Servants are allowd Provisions. how the Officers themselves are allowd. that is in regard to the quantity or any...
Six Cherokee Indians who just now came from Fort Du Quesne, say that six days ago they saw a large body of troops march from that garrison, with a number of waggons & a train of artillery, & by their route, must intend an attack on this garrison. I am, Sir, Yr most humble servt Sprague transcript , DLC:GW . For further details of the report of a French invasion, see James Livingston to GW, 14...
I am desird by Capt. Dagworthy to accquaint you that their is a great body of the Enemy one their way too these frontiers where they intend is not Certain the Intellegince Comes from 6 of Capt. Spotswoods party that arrivd hear about 3 oClock this afternon, Says Capt. Spotswood left them 10 days ago these 6 Seprated themselfs from the Rest and went to Fort De Quisnie where they Stay’d Some...
I have the pleasure to inform you, that a scouting party, consisting of 5 Soldiers, and 15 Cherokee Indians, who were sent out the 20th ultimo, towards the Ohio, under Lt Baker, returned the 8th instant to Fort Cumberland with 5 scalps, and a french Officer prisoner; having killed two other Officers of the same party. Mr Baker met with this party (10 french, 3 Officers) on the head of...
This instant the enclosed letters came to my hands —I have not lost a moments time in transmitting them to you, as I look upon the intelligence to be of the utmost importance. If the enemy are coming down in such numbers and with such a train of artillery as we are bid to expect, Fort Cumberland must inevitably fall into their hands, as no timely efforts can be made to relieve the Garrison. I...
2502Council of War, 16 June 1757 (Washington Papers)
Virginia At a Council of War held at Fort Loudoun, Thursday, the 16th day of June, at 2 o’clock in the morning, 1757. Colonel George Washington, President Captn Thomas Waggener M e m b e r s Capt. Robt Stewart Capt. McNeill Captain Gist Lieutenant Campbell Lt Buckner Ensign Crawford Ensign Roy Ensign Russell. The Colonel laid before the council a Letter from Capt. Dagworthy, and another which...
2503Memorandum, 16 June 1757 (Washington Papers)
The following account sent to Colo. Stanwix and Governor Dinwiddie together with the Council of War. The number of men fit for Duty in the Virginia Regiment, exclusive of the Detachment gone for Carolina—where stationed, and the distance of each Garrison from this place. Men Miles At Fort Loudoun 100 At Maidstone 60 distance 36 At Edwards 16 do 22 At Pearsals 35 do 50 At Fort Pleasant
I have just received intelligence from Capt. Dagworthy and Major Livingston, that they were informed by six cherokee indians, of a large body of French and Indians being on their march towards Fort Cumberland. You are therefore ordered to use every method (by means of the indians &c.) to gain intelligence of the real design and approach of this body of the Enemy: and if you find that they are...
I have seen your Letter, and have dispatchd Copy’s of it by good Expresses to Governor Dinwiddie, Govr Sharpe, Colo. Stanwix and the County Lieutenants of four Countys; so that I have no manner of doubt, but a very considerable Force will be with you in a very little time. I have dispatchd the bearer to inform you of this, that it may give Spirit to your Garrison. I heartily wish you all the...
Copy of a Letter sent to the County-Lieutenants of Fairfax, Prince-William, and Culpeper. Gentlemen. Fort Loudoun: June 16th 1757. This moment the enclosed is come to my hand, with another letter much more particular, but too long for me to copy, as I think no time shou’d be lost in transmitting intelligence of this important nature. Three Indians are come in wounded, and saw the french army...
This Moment the inclos’d Letters came to My hands: I have not lost a moments time in Transmitting them to you—as I look upon the Intelligence to be of the utmost Importance. If the Enemy is coming down in Such Numbers, and with such a train of Artillery as we are bid to Expect Fort Cumberland Must inivitably fall in to their hands as no Efforts can be timely Made to save it. I Send you Sir a...
This Moment the Inclosed Letters came to my Hands. I have not lost a moments time in transmitting them to you, as I look upon the Intelligence to be of the utmost Consequence, If the Enemy is coming down in such Numbers and with such a Train of Artillery as we are bid to expect. Fort Cumberland must inevitably fall into their Hands as no Efforts can be timely made to save it. I send you Sir a...
I am to acknowledge the Receipt of Yrs of the 10th but I am so much hurried that I cannot answer it, but as Mr Boyd is daily expected by him I shall write You more fully. Otassity of Ostenaker, conducts thirty Cherokees to You with Intention to go out against the Enemy; I think he is a brave Indian, & talks much of Majr Lewis; I believe he may be prevail’d on to stay with his People all the...
2510Memorandum, 17 June 1757 (Washington Papers)
Colo. Stanwix Send Colo. Carlyle’s Letter to him. Inform him that the Enemy have Mortar’s—by the Indians Intelligence. AD , NN : Washington Collection. See the source note, Memoranda, 7 June 1757 . See GW to John Stanwix, 20 June 1757 .
Yesterday in the Evening Six Indians arrived from Fort Du Quesne who left that Place last Sunday & Brought with them two Scalps which they took within a hundred yards of the Fort, I learn from them that the Fireing of the Cannon & Small Arms which I mentioned in my last was occasioned by a large Scouting Party leaving that Place to come this way, they say the Indians who came in before made a...
I receiv’d yr Express this Morning at Belvoir in Compa. with Mr & Mrs Carlyle and soon after set off hither to consult with Majr West, the Captains Ramsay, Dalton, Terrett &c. On which have sent Orders to have the Several Companys to meet at different Rendezvous to morrow and Sunday, in hopes of making therefrom a Detachment of an hundred Men to meet at Mr Wm West’s on Monday night or Tuesday...
I had the pleasure to receive your favour of 28 ult. by John Spore and Company waggoners with the Ammunition for His Majestie’s use, but there came a hundred and One Barrels of Gun Powder; and instead of 3 Tons of Lead, specified in the Receipt given you by Spore, there were but 48 boxes, designed at Home I Suppose, to contain One hundred pounds gross or 112 lb.: and I See that Mr Hamilton the...
I recd both yours of the 15th & 16th of June, by the Favour of Colonel Armstrong & some hour’s before that had recd intelligence from Capt: Dagworthy & Capt. Beal of their intelligence of the Motion of the French & Indians towards Fort Cumberland, on the receipt of which I directly apply’d to the Magistrates here for Waggons, for the Baggag artillery, Ammunition and Provisions: & the moment...
2515Court-Martial, 19 June 1757 (Washington Papers)
At a Regimental Court martial held at Fort Loudoun June the 19th 1757 Capt. Thos Waggener Presidt Lieut. Steenbergen M e m b e r s Lieut. Campbell Ensn Crawford Ensn Thompson Prisoners Wm Coffland Corpl of Capt. Lewis’s Company confin’d by Quarter Master Hamilton for laying out of Camp & disturbing the Inhabitants at an unreasonable Hour. Mary Hinch an Evidence against the Prisoner informs the...
When the Swallows People came to Town this afternoon, with the Young French Officer their Prisoner, they came strait to my Lodgings, to pay their Compliment; and soon after carried him away to their own, to eat some Victuals, Hunger being uppermost in their Thoughts. In the Evening, before I would put you to the Trouble to attend (as I had determined to examine him then in the presence of...
the enclosed Letters Came from Collo. Stanwix about 11 oClock this Night, and I have Immediatly Dispatched them to you, as the Collo. writes in a Very Importunate manner for intilligence, I Shall Send a Strong party out to Fort Cumberland to morrow, tho. we want Indians Very much for Such Service, and if a few Could be Spared this way, I Apprehend it would be Very much for the Bennefit of the...
This is intended to be delivered You by Bryan Fx who is appointed by Commission Captain of one of the two detacht Companys of our Militia which its hopd will amount to the Number of fifty private Men each, and Sufficient at this Time to answer yr Expectation from Us. I sent immediate Notice to Colo. Hy Lee to act the needful with the Pce Wm Malitia, and Yrs for Govr Sharpe Sent over to Mr...
I share in the anxiety and concern that you must undoubtedly undergo in the present melancholy prospect and very warmly wish a happy issue—Shoud my service be requisite in any shape at this juncture, I shall be glad to know it, and will immediately obey with the greatest chearfulness in whatever you are pleased to command. This County sends 120 Men to your asistance, tho’ experience gives but...
We understand that Mr Atkins has either complain’d or intends to complain to you that we had the Insolence to desire one of the Cherokee Warriours with the french Prisoner to come & drink a Glass of Wine with us, if it is so, we shou’d be very much oblig’d to you if you wou’d inform that Gentleman that as our Officers & Men risk’d their Lives in taking of the Prisoner, we are entitled to speak...