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Results 24901-24930 of 184,431 sorted by author
[ Paris , ca. Sep. 1787? ] Accepts TJ’s invitation “for Monday”; if it is a family affair “the...
The moment shall come very soon, Sir, which must take and carry us in your happy Country. I have...
I have read with great pleasure, Sir, the book that you have been so good as to lend to me. I...
Since a long time, Sir, I wish’d to find an opportunity to recall myself to your remembrance, but...
Your Petitioner begs leave to State to Your Excellency that he Opened a small Grocery Store in...
With due Difference I take the liberty of Mentioning that On this morning the Goeallre of...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Having addresed you twice before which I imagine have...
ALS : British Museum; also MS Minute Book: Library Company of Philadelphia Your Goodness in...
Printed in The American Weekly Mercury , March 27, 1729. ——Quid non mortalia Pectora cogis Auri...
MS Minute Book: Library Company of Philadelphia The Library Company of Philadelphia was...
This Comes from A Distressd. Woman Who Has Been forsaken By Her Husband Brought to this Countrey...
Letter not found. 11 March 1804. Acknowledged in Daniel Brent to Brenan, 16 Mar. 1804 (DNA: RG...
The interesting Work to which you were pleased to become a subscriber, I had hopes to be able to...
I have had the pleasure of receiving your letter of the 26th. Ultimo—and have to express my...
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of the letter you were pleased to write to me on the...
Were it not that I am well acquainted with the illustrious place you deservedly hold, in the...
I send you herewith, a copy of my late publication, entitled, “ Official Letters of the Military...
When I shall have explained the purport of this letter, I flatter myself you will excuse the...
I flatter myself that when you will have read this letter through, you will admit that my...
When I intrude upon So high a character as I have now the honor to address I feel deeply...
Mr Wagner not being yet returned from Bale., I do myself the Honor of forwarding to you such...
The Book on “Public Education”, enclosed, has just been received here, under a Cover addressed to...
Daniel Brent presents his respectful Compliments to m r Jefferson , and has the Pleasure to...
I take the liberty to send you herewith a letter from Mr Dallas to the Secretary of State, just...
Your letter of the 27th Inst. was duly received by me, with the draft of the Treasurer on the...
I have just had the Pleasure of receiving your favor of the 19th Instant , and I lose no time in...
Washington, January 27, 1794. Encloses a “letter for Mr Jones” and states: “Whenever I may be...
I have duly received your letter of the 30th Ulto., with a Requisition on the Treasury Dept in...
Your favor of the 17th has been duly received. I enclose the Duplicate of a letter, of the 25....
I have just had the Honor to receive your note of the 12th , enclosing an open Letter for m r...