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Results 24901-24930 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Tho Mr. Bertrand mentions having seen me at Paris, (of which I remember nothing) yet it is...
As the reputed authour of a rejected address which was reported to the Jackson Convention in this...
24903[Diary entry: 8 August 1786] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 8th. Mercury at 72 in the Morning—79 at Noon and 75 at Night. Wind Southerly and day...
We are now very near the Month of May, and the Enemy, are in the Midst of Us. They have an Army,...
I rejoice in the incident, which has called me, to give you a certificate under my hand, that I...
The Court left Bayonne on the 26th & 28th. inst. The Emperor is expected at Nantes on the seventh...
In Complyence With a Resolution of a Benevolent Institution Lately Estabblished In This City,...
24908[Diary entry: 30 May 1773] (Washington Papers)
30. Very warm—there being but little Wind.
George Washington Esqr. Colo. of the First Virginia Regiam’t Dr [£  s. d.] To 3. Gallons and 3...
I have just recieved a copy of the Modern Griselda which Ellen tells me will not be unacceptable...
24911General Orders, 3 August 1780 (Washington Papers)
The Army having moved to the present ground in Consequence of the Enemy’s dispositions to make a...
Your favor of the 28th Ulto came to my hand by the last Post—Inclosed is a duplicate of my Letter...
A question has been submitted to me by the Collectors of certain ports, which being of a general...
I have the honor to inform you that the Peace and Plenty, Captain Richard Woods, under the con v...
I have taken the liberty of forwarding to you by mail one copy of a work entitled “Elements of...
I think it my Duty to inform your Excellency that such Difficulties occur in my Route, as should...
Draft: American Philosophical Society Sometime after their appointment as joint deputy...
I have frequently called on You, but had not the pleasure of finding You at Home; since My last...
I have received your letter of the 3d of Jany containing a proposition of the delivery of several...
I wrote you on the 26th. ulto a private letter which was sent with my publick one of the day...
Being informed that there will be a vacancy in the Sixth Survey Virginia, or a Consolidation of...
“It is with great pain that I have heard of the scarcity of Corn which reigns in the settlements...
I was led, by a consideration of the qualifications of Patterson of New Jersey to nominate him an...
RC ( NA : PCC , No. 75, fols. 380–81). This manuscript is twice docketed on folio 381. One...
In the year 1781 when I went to the protection of the Stores at Tarry Town I marched off as your...
Pour me conformer à l’honneur de vos ordres du 29. passé, je viens de Vous expedier par la...
I was as far as G town on my way to Alexa. this morning when I recd. several letters, all of...
I have been favd with yours of the 15th and 26th ulto the first enclosing the proceedings of a...
I have the honor to transmit you agreeably to the wish of the legislature of this state, a...
Yours of the 12 Inst. is at hand —lately I recieved a Letter from Colo. Lewis wherein he informs...