George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Robert McKenzie, 11 June 1757

To Robert McKenzie

[Fort Loudoun, 11 June 1757]

To Capt. McKenzie

The exorbitant expence, and bad precedent of giving to every Indian who is pleased to demand it, a Horse to ride, compel me to tell you, that a stop must be put to the practise, or the officer who directs it will be made liable for the cost. The Country will not allow it; Nor are you to give them liquor, but upon extraordinary occasions.

I have the pleasure to inform you, that you are one of the Captains continued in the Service;1 and that I have passed all your accompts which you put into my hands, except that of contingencies, which lies over for vouchers: as soon as you procure these, the Committee consent to the payment. After this it will, I presume be needless to say, that you ought not to pay a farthing without taking a receipt for it. I am Yrs &c.


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