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Results 24831-24860 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
St. Croix, July 18, 1772 . “… This Vessell of mine is a fine large new sloop. I am sending her to New York and I’ll thank you to let me know if there is any one at your Island that would ship about 50 Hhds Sugar on freight or if theres any passengers that want to go to New York. She shall come over for them in about a fortnight.…” LC , in writing of H, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress....
St. Croix, July 27, 1772 . “… I’m concerned its not in my power to send you over the provisions you order.… In my last I beg’d you to procure me freight for my Sloop which desire I now counterma⟨nd⟩ and will be oblig’d only to know if theres any passengers for New York.…” LC , in writing of H, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
I take up my pen just to give you an imperfect account of one of the most dreadful Hurricanes that memory or any records whatever can trace, which happened here on the 31st ultimo at night. It began about dusk, at North, and raged very violently till ten o’clock. Then ensued a sudden and unexpected interval, which lasted about an hour. Meanwhile the wind was shifting round to the South West...
The Royal Danish American Gazette , October 17, 1772; copy (incomplete), with minor word changes, Columbia University Libraries. Although it is impossible to determine beyond dispute that H was the author of this poem, it is attributed to him by J. C. Hamilton, who refers to it as “a hymn,” but ascribes it to the period when H attended school in Elizabethtown, New Jersey ( Hamilton, Life John...
1045. Ann Ventons ordre paa capitain Lillie af 3die may 1773 i Alexander Hammiltons faveur for 15 oxehoveder sucker for Lyttons boe. D , Christiansteds byfogedarkiv skifteprot: 1769–80, no. 50, fol. 324–25, receipt no. 1045, Rigsarkivet, Copenhagen. The translation reads as follows: “1045. Ann Venton’s order of the 3rd of May 1773 on Captain Lillie for 15 hogshead of sugar from the Lytton...
965. Ann Lyttons quittance ved Alexander Hammilton for 50 rdr. betalt af capitain Lillie dend 26de maij 1773. D , Christiansteds byfogedarkiv skifteprot: 1769–80, no. 50, fol. 324–25, receipt no. 965, Rigsarkivet, Copenhagen. The translation reads as follows: “965. Ann Lytten quittance of the 26th of May 1773 with Alexander Hamilton for 50 rigsdollars paid by Captain Lillie.” For information...
994. Ann Ventons quittance til Hammilton, til Lillie, for Lyttons estate, for 25 rdr. af 3die junii 1773. D , Christiansteds byfogedarkiv skifteprot: 1769–80, no. 50, fol. 324–25, receipt no. 994, Rigsarkivet, Copenhagen. The translation reads as follows: “994. Ann Venton’s quittance of the 3rd of June 1773 to Hamilton, to Lillie, for 25 rigsdollars for the Lytton estate.” For information...
[ Elizabethtown, New Jersey, 1773 .] Quotations and paraphrases of the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis. AD , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Scholars differ on the year of H’s arrival in the North American colonies and the dates of his schooling there. These notes, and those which follow, were presumably made while H attended the school of Francis Barber in Elizabethtown, New...
[ Elizabethtown, New Jersey, 1773 .] Quotations and paraphrases of Chapters I–XIII of the Book of Revelation. AD , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
24840The Iliad of Homer, [1773] (Hamilton Papers)
[ Elizabethtown, New Jersey, 1773 .] Exercise in Homer’s Iliad , beginning with Book 12. Discontinuously numbered lines in Greek are followed by one page of English translation and notes in English on the geography of the eastern Mediterranean. D , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. The authorship of this MS is not known. The handwriting bears only a slight resemblance to that of H. If H...
24841List of Books, [1773] (Hamilton Papers)
[ Elizabethtown, New Jersey, 1773 .] Numbered list of twenty-seven books and subjects on Ancient and Medieval history and philosophy. D , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. The authorship of this MS is not known. The handwriting is not that of H, but the document may be a copy of a missing original by H. Although MS contains no date, it probably belongs to the period when H was in school or...
According to J. C. Hamilton ( Life John C. Hamilton, The Life of Alexander Hamilton (New York, 1840). , I, 21–23) H made this speech. Almost all of H’s biographers have repeated this story. There is no contemporary evidence, newspaper or other, that H made such a speech or even attended the meeting.
D , in writing of Elizabeth Hamilton, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. At the end of this poem, Elizabeth Hamilton wrote: “Written by Mr. Hamilton, when he was residing in new jersey, preparing for College, on the Death of a child of Mrs. Boudinot.” While attending Francis Barber’s academy in Elizabethtown, H was a frequent guest in the home of Elias Boudinot, a New Jersey lawyer, who...
1774 Mr. Alexr. Hamilton at £ 3 . . 4 ⅌ Quar. Dr. Con Cr. £  s.  d Sepr. 20 entered with me this day, to Study Mathems. 1783. By Cash recd. from him, now Col. Hamilton, as a present at the close of the War } 5 Guins. = 9—6—8 D , from the original in The New York State Library, Albany. This entry is from the account book of Harpur, who was a professor of mathematics at King’s College. In order...
It was hardly to be expected that any man could be so presumptuous, as openly to controvert the equity, wisdom, and authority of the measures, adopted by the congress: an assembly truly respectable on every account! Whether we consider the characters of the men, who composed it; the number, and dignity of their constituents, or the important ends for which they were appointed. But, however...
24846A Card, [22 December 1774] (Hamilton Papers)
The Friend to America presents his compliments to Mr. A. W. Farmer, and begs leave to decline making any remarks upon his Examination into the conduct of the Delegates, until he has seen what he may have to offer, in answer to the Full Vindication, &c. His reasons, there is no necessity to communicate. He assures Mr. Farmer, that he never imagined, any thing he could say, would frighten, or...
Admissions anno 1774. David Clarkson. Schuyler Lupton. Jacob Shaw. John Gaine. John Whitaker. Left College 2d. Year. Samuel Deall. Horatio Smith. Paul Randall. John Brickell. Daniel Moore. Edward Cornwallis Moncrieffe. Left College 2d. Year. James Stiles. Left the College in His 2d. Year. James Depeyster. Tristrim Lowther Thomas Attwood. Alexander Hamilton. Nicholas Romeyn, S. M. D
I resume my pen, in reply to the curious epistle, you have been pleased to favour me with; and can assure you, that, notwithstanding, I am naturally of a grave and phlegmatic disposition, it has been the source of abundant merriment to me. The spirit that breathes throughout is so rancorous, illiberal and imperious: The argumentative part of it so puerile and fallacious: The misrepresentations...
In compliance with my promise to the public, See page 78 of the Farmer Refuted, a pamphlet published last winter by James Rivington. and in order to rescue truth from the specious disguise, with which it has been cloathed, I shall now offer a few remarks on the act, intitled, “An Act for making more effectual provision, for the government of the province of Quebec, In North-America” whereby, I...
Having considered the nature of this bill, with regard to civil government, I am next to examine it with relation to religion, and to endeavour to shew, that the Church of Rome has now the sanction of a legal establishment, in the province of Quebec. In order to do this the more satisfactorily, I beg leave to adopt the definition given of an established religion, by a certain writer, who has...
I take the liberty to trouble you with some remarks on a matter which to me appears of not a little importance; doubting not that you will use your influence in Congress to procure a remedy for the evil I shall mention, if you think the considerations I shall urge are of that weight they seem in my judgment to possess. You will probably ere this reaches you have heard of the late incursion...
It is hardly necessary to inform you that I received your favour in answer to my letter on the subject of Capt Sear’s Expedition; and that I shall be at all times ready to comply with your request of information concerning the state of the province, or any matters of importance that may arise. Any thing that may conduce to the public service or may serve as a testimony of my respect to you...
The inclosed was intended by the last post, but I was disappointed in sending it. You will find by the papers, that a proclamation has been issued for dissolving the old Assembly; writs are making out for the election of a new. The tories seem to give out that there will be no opposition, but I suspect this as an artifice to throw the people off their guard. I doubt not however the whig...
Newyork. March 17th 1776. Recived of Col. McDougall Seventy three Pounds, Nineteen Shillings and a Penny half penny for the Pay of the Commissioned Non-Commissioned officers and privates of my Company to the first Instant for which I [have] given three other receipts. £73.19.1 ¾ DS , New-York Historical Society, New York City. Alexander McDougall, prominent Revolutionary War general, gained...
[ New York, April 2, 1776 . An entry in the Journals of the New York Provincial Congress under this date reads: “Ordered That Capt. Hamilton be directed to place and keep a proper guard of his company at the Records until, further order.” Letter not found .] Journals , I, 396. The records were those of the colony. Anticipating the possible capture of New York City by the British, the...
New York April 4th, 1776. Received of Colonel McDougall one hundred and seventy two pounds, three shillings and five pence half penny, for the pay of the Commissioned, Non commissioned officers and privates of my company to the first instant, for which I have given three other receipts. £172.3.5½. ADS , New-York Historical Society, New York City. This receipt appears at the end of “Pay Roll of...
[ New York ] April 20, 1776 . The return is headed: “A Return of the Colony Company of Artillery commanded by Alexander Hamilton April 20th, 1776” and is in the form of a table showing the number of each rank present and fit for duty, sick, on furlough, on command duty, or taken as prisoner. Hamilton’s company contained a total of 69 commissioned and noncommissioned officers. AD , George...
I take the liberty to request your attention to a few particulars, which will be of considerable importance to the future progress of the company under my command, and I will be much obliged to you for as speedy a determination concerning them as you can conveniently give. The most material is respecting the pay. Our company, by their articles, are to be subject to the same regulations, and to...
[ New York, May 31, 1776 . An entry in the Journals of the New York Provincial Congress under this date reads: “Ordered, that Capt. Alexander Hamilton, or any or either of his officers, be and they are hereby authorized to go on board any ship or vessel in this harbour, and take with them such guard as may be necessary, and that they make strict search for any men who may have deserted from...
I am obliged to write you, to remove a difficulty which arises respecting the quantity of subsistence which is to be allowed my men. Enclosed you have the rate of rations which is the standard allowance of the whole Continental and even the Provincial army; but it seems Mr. Curtenius can not afford to supply us with more than his contract stipulates, which by comparison, you will perceive is...