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Results 2481-2530 of 184,431 sorted by author
I thank you for your favor of the 22 inst & the two Connecticut gazettes which I have given to...
I thank you for this Address which has been transmitted to me by The Chief Justice of the State,...
No Man could have written from Memory Mr Otis’s Argument of four or five hours against The Acts...
Your first Letter to me is now before me. The true Cause why General Frie, has not received from...
Mr. Archibald Buchannan, and Mr. Walter Tolley both of Maryland, and hearty Friends of America,...
This day, I think, has been the most remarkable of all. Sullivan came here from Lord Howe, five...
When I was in London last November & December I amused myself often, by running into Booksellers...
I have received your letter of the 30 of March as I did another Sometime ago. I congratulate you...
I thank you kindly for sending me Cen the Centinel containing the pieces upon Neutrality signed...
I read in a great Writer, Montesquieu that “l’honneur, en imposant la loi de servir, veut en être...
The Weather still continues cloudy and cool and the Wind Easterly. Howe’s Fleet and Army is still...
Paris, 23 April 1780. LbC ( Adams Papers ). Although a note to the Letterbook copy of...
2493Novr. 14th. 1760. (Adams Papers)
Another Year is now gone and upon Recollection, I find I have executed none of my Plans of study....
I cannot give up my dear Latin and Greek although Fortune has never permitted me to enjoy so much...
Your favour of the 19 of March deserves a particular consideration and answer, which I have not,...
The sight of your well known hand writing in your favour of 25. Feb. last, gave me great...
249719 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge, a very warm morning, at 11 Disputed on this question (viz) systema Copernicanum est...
2498January 21. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Went to Versailles to pay my Respects to the King and Royal Family, upon the Event of Yesterday....
Dr Priestley, in a letter to Mr Lindsey Northumberland Nov. 4. 1803 Says “As you were pleased...
25001779. April 15. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at home.
Yesterday noon, Mr William Vaughan of London, came to my House, with Mr Laurens, the son of the...
2502[April 1783] (Adams Papers)
Mr. Hartley met Mr. Franklin, Laurens, Jay and me, at my Lodgings, and shewed Us an Instruction...
I received in Time, your Letter of the 29 of June, and should have answered it before, but upon...
2504[Tuesday March 26, 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Tuesday March 26, 1776. Congress were informed of the Death of Governor Ward and on
I have received your Letter of the 26th. of December 1817 inclosing a Postnote upon the Branch...
I long to hear again from you, having received but one letter, concerning Mr Clarks your own or...
The Postmaster at N. York, in a Panick, about a fortnight ago fled to Dobbs’s Ferry, about 30...
Terms in this Article, equivocal and indefinite. Jefferson. The Limits of the Southern Colonies...
I inclose you a National Register, to convince you that the Essex Register is not to blame for...
It is now no longer a Secret, where Mr. Hows Fleet is. We have authentic Intelligence that it is...
I have at last recieved Letters from Mr. Dana. Mr. Sayer arrived in town yesterday with Letters...
This Letter is intended to go, by Monsieur Le Veillard, a Young Gentleman bound to America, with...
By the President of the United States. Whereas John Steele Esquire Comptroller of the Treasury of...
2514[Jonathan Sewall, 1759] (Adams Papers)
Sometime in 1761 or two Mr. Samuel Quincy with whom I sometimes corresponded, shewed to Mr....
Dr. Jackson, by whom this will go, is a Manager of the State Lottery, and is bound to the New...
I received last night yours of the 28th. On the 21st I wrote you approving of Talbot to command...
Of Mr Wait, I know little, but that he was once introduced to me by General Knox, twice by Judge...
The Project of a new Constitution, has Objections against it, to which I find it difficult to...
If I were as fortunate as you are and could pass the Water from Dover to Calais in 3 hours, I...
Last night for the first time I slept in our new House.— But what a Scene! The Furniture...
I have an Account of the Politicks of the Town of Braintree; but it is an imperfect one. I wish...
The very great despatch with which you have answered my last not only proves to me that you are...
I have recd your private Letter of the 11th. which contains matter of importance, but unnecessary...
You made me a rich present when you allowed your son George to spend his vacation with me. He has...
I have received your favor of April 24th inclosing the address of the Inhabitants of little...
You have been so good, in sending me the Journals and above all in sending me very particular...
2527Thurdsday [26 October]. (Adams Papers)
Went in the morning to wait on Mr. Prat. He inquired if I had been sworn at Worcester? No. Have...
I have recd with great pleasure your favour of the fifth. Of the Book which my Enemy has written...
25291783 Feb. 24. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Dined in Company with Mr. Malesherbes, the famous first President of the Court of Aids, Uncle of...
The President of the United States, & lady requests the Pleasure of Mr & Mrs. D. Greenleafs...