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Results 24791-24840 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have received your Letter of the 23d ulto. with much pleasure, and now enclose a copy of the...
Skifte brev no. XXIX . Som udi Skifte-Sessions Protocollen er behandlet under No. XXIV sc: efter...
This just serves to acknowledge receipt of yours per Cap Lowndes which was delivered me...
I am a youth about seventeen, and consequently such an attempt as this must be presumptuous; but...
[ Jamaica, October 19, 1771 . On November 27, 1771, Hamilton wrote to Jacob Walton and John H....
[ St. Croix, October 28, 1771 . On November 20, 1771, Hamilton wrote to Ashburner: “I wrote you...
Expecting that Capt Codwise would ⟨have⟩ saild two days ago, I had already wrote & delive⟨red⟩ my...
I wrote you a few days ago by Capt Codwise to which refer you & should send you Copys by this...
I send you herewith Copies of my Letter’s ⅌ Codwise & Cunningham, since which nothing has occurd...
In behalf of Mr. Nicholas Cruger (who by reason of a very ill state of health went from this to...
Here with I give you all your dispatches & desire youll proceed immediately to Curracoa. You are...
Above is triplicate of mine to you ⅌ Capt Henton to which have receivd no answer. I have now to...
I receivd your favour of the 18th Ultimo in due time & beg pardon for not having answerd it...
Your favour of the 21st. Ulto. ⅌ Capt Newton lies now before me, the Contents of which I have...
I have now the pleasure to acquaint you with the arrival of your new Sloop Thunderbolt commanded...
I have now the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your favour dated October the 19th. by...
[ St. Eustatius, December 10, 1771 . On January 21, 1772, Hamilton wrote to Ashburner: “I...
[ New York , December 12 , 1771 . On January 10, 1772, Hamilton wrote to Cruger : “Your agreeable...
[ New York, December 20, 1771 . On January 10, 1772, Hamilton wrote to Cruger : “Your agreeable...
Your agreeable Letters of the 12 and 20th Ultimo were yesterday handed me [by] Mr Lynsen and Capt...
This serves to acknowledge receipt of your favour dated ye. 13 Ulto. covering Invoice & Bill...
I receivd yours Dated Decemr. 10th in due time & observe what you say. I am much obligd to you...
Two days ago Capt Newton deliverd me your favour without date & 41 Mules in such order that I...
Proceed immediately with the Sloop Thunderbolt to Curracoa & deliver the articles you have on...
Inclosd I send you Letter of Advice to William Gillilands draft on you for £111. 16. 6 New York...
The 9th Ultimo Capt Robert Gibb handed me your favour dated December 19th 1771 covering Invoice &...
Herewith you have duplicate of my two last Letters of the 27 November & 10th Ulto. and I now...
Capt Robert Gibb deliverd me on your Account   2   Mahogany dining Tables which I paid him the...
Preceding is Copy of my last to you & beg leave to refer you thereto. I have at length the...
St. Croix, March 17, 1772 . Announces arrival in St. Croix and describes firm’s recent business...
[ St. Croix ] March 18, 177 [ 2 ]. Is “glad to find my Clerk in my absence has desird you to take...
St. Croix, March 19, 1772 . Discusses business conditions in St. Croix and asks for certain...
Tortola, March 30, 1772 . Sends “Invoice and bill Lading for 10 Hhds. Rum, ammounting to ps...
St. Croix, May 5, 1772 . Acknowledges receipt “of your favour of the 6th Ulto. Inclosing me my...
1059. Ann Ventons quittance ved Hammilton for 45 rdr. contant og et oxehoved sucker of 16de maij...
St. Croix, May 19, 1772 . Regrets inability to pay protested bills and adds: “Believe me my good...
St. Croix, May 19, 1772 . “… Believe us Dear Sir it gives us real pain, that we should be the...
1060. Ann Ventons quittance of 23de maij 1772 rdr. for et oxehovet rum. D , Christiansteds...
St. Croix, May 25, 1772 . “… you can send me the Ballance [of your account] at your leisure. Rye...
St. Croix, June 19, 1772 . “I am happy in the Receipt of yours of the 18th Ultimo [with] … an...
St. Croix, July 18, 1772 . “… This Vessell of mine is a fine large new sloop. I am sending her to...
St. Croix, July 27, 1772 . “… I’m concerned its not in my power to send you over the provisions...
I take up my pen just to give you an imperfect account of one of the most dreadful Hurricanes...
The Royal Danish American Gazette , October 17, 1772; copy (incomplete), with minor word changes,...
1045. Ann Ventons ordre paa capitain Lillie af 3die may 1773 i Alexander Hammiltons faveur for 15...
965. Ann Lyttons quittance ved Alexander Hammilton for 50 rdr. betalt af capitain Lillie dend...
994. Ann Ventons quittance til Hammilton, til Lillie, for Lyttons estate, for 25 rdr. af 3die...
[ Elizabethtown, New Jersey, 1773 .] Quotations and paraphrases of the first three chapters of...
[ Elizabethtown, New Jersey, 1773 .] Quotations and paraphrases of Chapters I–XIII of the Book of...
24840The Iliad of Homer, [1773] (Hamilton Papers)
[ Elizabethtown, New Jersey, 1773 .] Exercise in Homer’s Iliad , beginning with Book 12....