George Washington Papers

Memoranda, 7 June 1757


[Fort Loudoun] June 7th 1757

Before Majr Lewis goes to his Post in Augusta—Peruse carefully the Contents of Captn Hogs Letters and direct him how to act in the affair. also require him to enquire particularly into the State of that Company & inform me what necessarys they are deficient in thro. what means this became so1—Sundry sml accts sent by Bullet allowd.2

Ditto 7th

Answer Captn Hogs Letters fully by the Officer who relieves him—I have promisd him in a Letter of this date to do it3—Sundy sml accts in favr of the Men sent by Bul[lit]t allowd.


Answer Mr Cary’s & Mr Balls & Mr Flemmings Letters when Mr Boyd goes to Wmsburg.4

Know of the Govr whether I may deliver out any of the Publick Ammunition to the Country People who apply & have need of it.5

AD, NN: Washington Collection. GW’s Memoranda of 7 June 1757 are the first in a paper book containing notes and memoranda that GW made between June and November 1757 mostly about letters he intended to write and orders he intended to issue. Someone—probably GW after he wrote each letter or order—has drawn a line through most of the memoranda.

1According to Dinwiddie’s instructions to GW of 16 May 1757, Andrew Lewis was to be stationed with his company at Dickinson’s fort on Jackson River in Augusta County, but it was not until 29 July that GW ordered Lewis out to the fort to take command of what had been Peter Hog’s company in the Virginia Regiment.

2On 28 July 1757 GW noted in his Regimental Accounts (1755–1758, DLC:GW) the payment of £2 12s. to Lt. Thomas Bullitt for “Sundrie Disbursements allowed by the Committee May 13th.”

3The most recent letter that we have to GW from Peter Hog is dated 8 Dec. 1756. No letter from GW to Hog of 7 June 1757 has been found. GW wrote Hog on 24 July 1757, relieving him of his command.

4William Ball wrote GW on 25 May 1757. No letter from William Fleming and no letter from GW to any of these three men written in 1757 have been found, but see Archibald Cary to GW, 28 June 1757, and GW to Thomas Bullitt, 24 July 1757.

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