Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Daniel Bradley, 14 June 1799

From Daniel Bradley, 14 June 1799

Winchester 14th. June 1799


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your packet of the 22d of May (with four setts of recruiting instructions) wherein you direct me to take my station at Staunton, I shall repair to that place in the course of three or four days. I have been at a loss where to fix Capts. Diven & Grayson’s Rendezvous as there is not a place mentioned in the Arrangement where there is not a recruiting party. I have conversed with Colo. Parker. he informs me he has directed his Officer at Alexandria to remove to Fauquier, and there is only one of his Officers at this place, I have concluded to direct Captain Grayson to continue at Alexandria, and Capt Diven to remain at Winchester. Captain Gibson is at Staunton with Two Officers. This is as favourable an Arrangment as I can make at present, and hope it may meet your Approbation. Mr. Blackburn has join’d Capt. Grayson, & McGuire Capt. Diven—I shall forward the Returns &c at the close of this month, and if nothing Matterial happens to prevent it I shall then make Application to go to Connecticut, as my Interest suffers in consequence of my long absence—

I hope Sir you will Use your influence to have Clothing, and other necessaries forwarded for the recruits as soon as possible—

It appears by your letter that Capt. Bird is to make his returns to and be considered under my directions. I dont rightly know where Capt. Bird is; but understood he went to Salisbury in North Carolina Captain Joseph Brock of the 4th. Regiment is recruiting at or near Fredricksburg in Virginia, as he is not mentioned in your Orders I have thought proper to Notify you where he is stationed—

Sir I have the honor to be, with respect your Obedient Humble Servant

Daniel Bradley Majr

4th. U.S. Regiment

Majr. Genl. Alexr. Hamilton New York

(ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). H’s directions on the cover read: "Write a letter to Capt Brock informing him that Capt B Major Bradley is charged to superintend the recruiting service for the 4th Regiment & that he is hereafter to make all his reports & returns to him—Inform Major Bradly accordngly." In the left margin on the second page of the letter are two "X" marks, one beside the line beginning "but understood he went to..." and the other beside the line beginning "at or near Fredricksburg...."

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