George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Andrew Lewis, 3 June 1757

To Andrew Lewis

[Fort Loudoun, 3 June 1757]

To Major Lewis—or, &c.

In a letter which I wrote to you yesterday, I desired that the Indians might not be brought to this place if it cou’d possibly be avoided:1 Since which, the Honble Edmund Atkin, Esquire; superintendant of Indian Affairs, is arrived; and desires to hold a conference with them here.

No bad consequences are likely to ensue by bringing them from the Frontiers (of which, however, you are to judge from appearances.) Mr Smith the Interpreter, you are to bring without fail; as, without his assistance, no conference can be held. I am &c.



1The letter has not been found. See GW to Commanding Officer on the South Branch, this date.

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