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Results 24701-24750 of 184,431 sorted by author
3 June 1776 . In his “Memorandum Book” (see 20 May 1776) Bradford wrote: “As my friend Maddison...
The record of the proceedings in the cause relating to the Carriage Tax is not yet returned —but...
The Attorney General having made the necessary inquiries respecting the case of John Mitchell,...
At a meeting of the heads of departments, and the attorney general at the President’s on the...
I am sorry to find your letter confirms the accounts we have received of the depredations of the...
At a meeting of the heads of departments and Attorney general. March 27. 1794. The Secretary of...
I have attentively considered the question which you have stated for my consideration & I am...
The case of Mr. Green upon which you request my opinion appears to be, in substance, as follows....
When any Vessel, whether of war or merchandize, public or private, belonging to any belligerent...
At a meeting of the heads of departments and the attorney general, on the 11th. of March 1794. It...
Upon consideration of the letter of Governor Mifflin to the President of the US of this date...
24712Cabinet Opinion, 13 May 1794 (Washington Papers)
At a meeting of the heads of the departments and the attorney General, at the house of the...
We are of opinion, that a passport ought to be granted for a vessel under the above restrictions....
By the direction of the Convention held at this Place, I have the Honour to transmit to your...
At a meeting of the heads of the departments and the attorney General, at the house of the...
At a meeting of the heads of departments, and the Attorney general of the U. S. at the...
I have the honor of transmitting to you a report upon the claims of the French Settlers at...
We beg leave to congratulate your Excellency on the happy conclusion of the War. At length the...
Last night I received the inclosed Letter. The Commodore plac’d the Galleys in proper places to...
The Board received your Excellencys Letter a few Days ago, requesting the Galleys might be...
Two days ago the Enemy erected a Battery at the mouth of Schuylkill to secure the passage at...
Governor Cooke having entered the Hospital for Inoculation it becomes incumbent upon me to...
Having seen in the publick Papers that your Excellency and the British Admiral have agreed upon...
I have recieved a letter from the postmaster at Charleston S. C. in answer to a letter from the...
I have received your favour of the 7 th and am obliged by your attention to my former letter....
A vacancy having occurred in the post office at Milton V a and it being the office through which...
I have the honour to enclose copies of two letters from Mr. Francis Abrahams relative to the...
Agreeable to the postmaster generals directions I have the honor to inclose the honble. John...
Mr. Wheaton informs me that he has already furnished you with a copy of the award in his case,...
I have the honor to inclose a letter from the postmaster at Fort Stoddert & the report of Judge...
I have the to inclose a letter from Judge Toulmin, conformable to his wish, giving an account of...
Your favour of the 26th instant is received & agreeable thereto I have forwarded a map of the...
I have the honor to inclose several letters relative to the post road and its management from...
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 2nd instant stating that Mr....
The express mail to Detroit will cease in a few days unless orders should be forwarded for its...
MS ( DNA : RG 59, MLR ); in Bradley’s hand; endorsed by Jacob Wagner: “Alteration of the route of...
§ From Abraham Bradley Jr. 22 August 1806, Washington. “At the request of Mr. John G. Jackson I...
Yours of the 13th. Instant has been received and agreeable to advice therein contained, I have...
In consequence of a disappointment of Lieut Blackburn’s not coming to Sit on the Court Martial, &...
Since I wrote you last I have concluded To remove Captain Grayson, & Mr. Blackburn from...
Staunton [ Virginia ] October 3, 1799 . “… we are in great want of a supply of recruiting money...
Staunton [ Virginia ] August 9, 1799 . “… Captain Brock … informs me he has no Arms, Clothing, or...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your packet of the 22d of May (with four setts of...
Some difficulties having arrisen respecting the supplying Captain Divens recruits at Cumberland,...
I have this day received your two letters of the 22d and 24th. of August, am much disappointed in...
You have forwarded a descriptive List of five deserters, Two from Capt. Brock, Two from Captain...
I Took up on the 3d. of this Month Neagroe man at this place First said he was free and had A...
When I wrote you last I thought to have been able to forwarded returns from the different...
This acknowledges the receipt of yours of the 1st. Instant wherein you inform me you have...
Lieut Lewis has Just Shewn me you r letter ordering him to Willmington in Delaware he will of...