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Results 24551-24580 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I send inclosed a report of the Board officers, respecting Surgeons, Judge Advocates, and...
24552[Diary entry: 13 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
13. Rowed to the different Fishing Landings as high as Broad Creek. Met & brot. Mr. Custis & his...
24553Militia, [23 December] 1790 (Madison Papers)
Laurance objected that JM’s amendment did not properly belong in the first section of the bill....
LS and transcript: National Archives; copy: Library of Congress Herewith you will receive a Copy...
§ From Abraham Gibbs. 12 January 1806, Palermo. “Under 12 Novr. ultimo, Mr John Gavino of...
Upon a full consideration of all circumstances I am of opinion, that the march of the French Army...
Although personally unknown to you, at least, I fear, unrecollected, I address you frankly as a...
17 March 1801, Madrid. No. 267. Encloses copies of remonstrances to Spanish government on behalf...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your favour 20h Ulto: directed to Messr Hanbury Grove and...
As calls for military action against France grew louder during the summer of 1798, Jay tapped...
This letter with the others inclosed would have been sent two days sooner but for a mistake in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having a chance of sending a letter to you I would not...
I have [been] beating my brain about your old Opinion that our Land tenure should be merely...
Your letter of the 23d Ulto came duly to hand. With regret I perceive your determination to with...
[“Extract from a Memorial presented to the States General in 1775 by a Committee of the Merchants...
I send you enclosed two pieces of paper. 1st. “Broken Hints to be communicated to the committee...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. David Forman, 4 Aug. 1777. Forman’s letter to GW of 2 Aug. is...
After Orders came to hand that the two Companies raised here Should march & Join your Excelency:...
At the request of the Senate and House of Representatives of this Commonwealth, I have the honor...
Our election for a representative to Congress took place on the 21st of Last month since then...
To the Honble. James Madison Esqr president of the United States, The Head of the nation, where...
Permit me to present you a copy of my Memoir of Mr. Jefferson, not so much for any intrinsic...
I Have received a copy of your speech on the 4th. & 5th. April, and on the supposition that I may...
Queries [1. What are the best maps, general or particular, of the whole or parts of the province?...
J’ai l’honneur de prévénir Votre excellence: que l’armée navale, aux ordres de Mr le Marquis de...
Albany, June 23, 1795. “Yours of the 11th. current covering your opinion for the Corporation of...
24577[Diary entry: 10 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
10. Breakfasted at Tylers on Acquiae & Dined at home.
[ Philadelphia, April 20, 1791. On May 16, 1791, Gibbs wrote to Hamilton : “I have been honored...
I have received your favors of the 25th Augt and 21st of September. I am pleased to find by the...
The Conduct of the Commissaries having involv’d me in some difficulty, I beg leave to represent...