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Results 24551-24600 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I am so much concerned my Dear George to learn from your last letter what a state of suffering...
I have recd your letter of to day covering the Resolution of the House of Representatives of the...
On this day, one which in this part of the country is considered much as Thanksgiving day is in...
C’est avec une bien vive reconnoissance Madame, que j’ai reçu la lettre que vous avez eue la...
The President directs me to request of you to procure as soon as possible from the Printer some...
Will you be good enough to have fifty copies of the enclosed invitation printed for me before the...
9th Decr. Mr Calhoun accepts with pleasure the invitation of Mr. & Mrs Adams for thursday next...
What is the News ? Please send me some Copies of the Message if ready— Yrs &c— DLC : Peter Force...
Mr Elliot has sent to ask permission to have a copy of the Message, so as to put it in his...
I cannot suffer the day to pass my dear George without offering you the best wishes of your...
You was kind enough to send me a Copy of the Message, for which I thank you. By an arrangement...
The enclosed papers numbered 1. and 2. are copies 1 Of a Letter from Mr Bassett, Chairman of a...
An unaccountable fit of dullness and inability to do any thing, prevented my writing to you on...
I have received your letter inclosing the letters from Mr Basset and Mr. Custis Congress had...
I have received your letter inclosing the letters from Mr Basset and Mr. Custis Congress had...
It has been a great mortification to me, that in every attempt in every direction I have sought,...
It is some time my dear George since I wrote but much sickness and trouble have kept my mind in a...
Since my last letter the whole family have been suffering from violent colds. I did not escape...
I herewith inclose to you a letter addressed to me from Mr. Shaw written at my request—I can only...
I herewith inclose to you a letter addressed to me from Mr Shaw written at my request. I can only...
I received your letter on Thursday and was delighted to find it so long, for you do not know how...
In compliance with your request, I am directed by the President to return the enclosed letter. As...
A fortnight has passed over, since I last addressed you, and scarcely any thing of interest has...
Another fortnight has passed since I had the honour to address you, and the end of it has found...
Mr. Marshall accepts with great pleasure the invitation of Mr and Mrs. Adams to dine with them on...
Your letter has this moment been put into my hand and as a proof of how happy it makes me to hear...
Why you should have thought that I was offended my dear George I cannot imagine as I have never...
The past week has brought us summer weather and makes the city look as green as it is wont, in...
I have received your Letter of the 1st. instt. numbered 1. and written in execution of your...
As I have not received a Letter from you I cannot pretend to answer one but I will write...
I have deferred answering your Letter my Dear George in the hope of obtaining the Reviews you...
"Who doth time gallop withal?" Instead of answering this as Shakespeare has done, I would say...
I return the enclosed letter according to your desire, painfully regretting, that I can not...
My anxiety for you is greater than, that for myself, I long to know the state of your Health, and...
Your kind concern for me, fills me with deep feelings of gratitude—I am as yet confined to my...
I have even less than usual of interest to relate today, since Tuesday last, I have been entirely...
I enclose you some lines I wrote if you like you may publish them but do not say whose they are...
A thousand thanks to my ever dear Cousin, for his unbounded benevolence to me. The barrel of...
I have received your Letter of the 1st. instt. and am expecting another with your quarterly...
I was made very happy in hearing by Mr G W. Adams (who was so kind as to Take his birth day...
I am so uneasy about your state of health my dear George that I beg and entreat you to write me...
I have from day, to day, for the last fortnight flatter’d myself with an improvement, so far as...
My last letter I believe, evinced a degree of excitement very uncommon for me. But the...
I wrote before I left Roxbury expressing as I really felt my deep regret that I could not see you...
The warm season has come again and delightful as it is to me, is no doubt also very acceptable to...
I am very glad my Dear George find by your Letter which is just received that you are better and...
The summer has come upon us very rapidly without giving us any of our usual Spring weather. Some...
I rejoice that you have arrived safely at Princeton where may your health be perfectly...
Having after much persuasion prevailed upon my Cousin to remain still longer with us, we were...
I had postponed a reply to your last two Letters under the expectation of seeing you here. With...