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Results 24551-24560 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
By the unanimous advice of all the General Officers, I have moved the Army to this place—We propose to fortify our Camp in Hopes that Reinforcements may enable us to keep our Ground and prevent the Enemy from penetrating farther into the Country; but if I should be asked from whence I expect Reinforcements, I should be at a Loss for an Answer not having heard a Word from the Massachusetts on...
I have been honored with your Letter of the 28th ulto—I confess the conduct of the Enemy is distressing beyond measure, and past our comprehension—On thursday and friday last their Fleet consisting of two hundred and twenty eight Sail, were beating off the Capes of Delaware, as if they intended to come in. From this circumstance, nobody doubted but that Philadelphia was the immediate object of...
Your Favor inclosing Holt’s papers of the 28 th July I received on my way down from Moses Creek, and you will readily excuse my not having acknowledged it sooner, when you reflect that with a retreating Army an Officer that commands has seldom a Moment’s Time to himself. I have not one. I am much obliged by the Measures you have taken to exculpate me, at least from the Charge of having ordered...
Your favors of the 21st of June from Westmoreland, and 10th Ulto from Fredericksburg, are both to hand —Since Genl Howes remove from the Jerseys, the Troops under my Command have been More harrassed by Marching, & Counter Marching, than by any thing that has happen’d to them in the course of the Campaign. After Genl Howe had Imbarkd his Troops, the presumption that he woud operate upon the...
If allarming half a dozen places at the same time is an act of Generalship How may boast of his late conduct. We have never since the Evacuation of Boston been under apprehensions of an invasion from them eaquel to what we sufferd last week. All Boston was in confusion, packing up and carting out of Town, Household furniture, military stores, goods &c. Not less than a thousand Teams were...
24556General Orders, 5 August 1777 (Washington Papers)
The General Court Martial ordered yesterday, is to sit to morrow morning, at nine o’clock, at Palmer’s tavern, at Schuylkill falls; and all members must attend without fail —A Serjeant from brigade to attend the court. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . GW’s military family expense account contains entries for this date for £263.4 to “Daniel Smiths acct for the expences of His Excellencys family &...
I Received your favour of the 19th July & according to your request inclose a warrant on the Pay Master in Virginia for twenty thousand Dollars. I fully expected the sum you had drawn before would have compleated your Regiment. I must urge you in the most pressing terms to use your utmost exertions and diligence in compleating your Regiment and proceeding with it without loss of time to Camp....
I have duly receiv’d your favor of 23d of July—I believe the Evacuation of Tyconderoga has dissatisfied the people in general, nor can I say, that I have as yet heard any reason, which makes such a step appear absolutely necessary to me, however, as a Strict enquiry into the conduct of the commanding Officers is soon to take place, the public will, no doubt, be fully satisfied with the...
Your favour of Yesterday came to my hands late in the Afternoon. For reasons unnecessary to mention, I mean to delay the actual Appointment of my fourth Aide de Camp a while longer; but if you will do me the honour to become a member of my Family, you will make me very happy, by your Company and assistance in that Line as an Extra Aid and I shall be glad to receive you in that capacity...
Immediately on the receipt of this you will Embark your Brigade with the Artillery belonging to it, and also Colo. Proctors Corps; you are to proceed to Trenton and there wait till you receive further orders. With respect to Waggons, if you have not a sufficient number for the use of the Brigade, you will make application to Colo. Miflin, who will furnish you; they are to be order’d to meet...