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Results 24551-24600 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The fleet under the command of Earl Howe arrived last night, and I am sorry to acquaint you that...
Your communications of the 26th. Ult. instead of needing apology from you, require thanks from...
I thank you for your attention to the cir[cumstance] of my passage, and lament extremely that I...
Letters from New York of July 26. mention that the question on the new Constitution was not then...
Truth, holy Truth, obliges me to correct still the intelligence I gave you in my last....
I have recd. with your note of the 30th. Ult: the little tract of Mr. Law forwarded by you at his...
I duly rec d your favor of the 9 th at which date it seems you had not rec d mine of the 2 d but...
It is so difficult for me to write or to get writing done that I am late in acknol g your’s of...
An appeal to my memory is an appeal to a blank. the mass of matters in various office which has...
Th: Jefferson salutes D r Cutting with antient & friendly recollections, and with a mind which...
On the reciept of your letter of Jan. 26. I referred to the Secretary of the Treasury so much of...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Capt. Cutting, and informs him that the President...
Your brother, with whom I have the honor of an acquaintance, has promised that he would ask your...
I am honoured with your favor of the 3d. and thank you for the information it contained. None of...
Your several favors of the following dates have been duly received. At sea. Lat. 7° 40’ long....
Mr. Jefferson will be much obliged to Mr. Cutting to send the inclosed letter by the first vessel...
Your favor of Jan. 18. was long on the road, as happens often with our winter mails; and altho’...
The Department of state, with the approbation of the President of the United States, having...
You must be pleased to look on the trouble which the accident of my voyage occasions you like a...
Your kindness to us at Havre and Cowes makes me presume you will feel some interest in learning...
An absence from Paris yesterday prevented my answering by that post your letter of the 12th....
15 July 1811. Discusses the financial difficulties of her brother, John, after his return from...
$400 I promise to pay to Dolley P. M. & Mary E. Cutts four hundred dollars, being the sum recd....
Tell Mary that I am very thankful for her present of Guava Jelly as a soothing for my cold, and...
Your favor of the 8th. has been duly recd. as was that from Mrs. C. to her sister. I thank you...
I have recd. yours of the 22. referring to my note to the Bank which becomes due early in May....
I inclosed in my last of the 22d. the note prepared by Mr Smith, with my signature, which it...
I have recd. your favor of the instant. I hope you will never withold a line to me when...
Your favour of the 23d came duly to hand. I wish the favorable dispositions you speak of may...
Judge Washington is to send me shortly a packet of papers. I have taken the liberty of desiring...
I have two favors to thank you for. I can not yet satisfy your curiosity as to the progress of...
Soon after my last was sent off, I recd. your favor of . The report of the Capt: relative to what...
Yours of the 12th. came to hand this morning. I regret most sincerely, the circumstances which...
Do me the favor to have the inclosed handed to the Editors of the Nal. Messenger in George Town...
Be so good as to obtain for two letters inclosed a conveyance from the Department of State. We...
I recd. yesterday your favor of the 20th. Eddins has not yet recd. the pattern of a Rifle Stock....
I congratulate you & Mrs. Cutts on the event which has relieved your anxieties; the more so as it...
I have rec’d yours of July 30 & inclose a letter to Mr. Smith which please seal and deliver,...
I have recd. yours of the 17th. inst. Be so good as to mention the amount of interest required...
Yours of the 21st. Ult: came duly to hand. I thank you for your attention to the expected papers...
I have letters from Monroe of the 11th. of March ⟨He⟩ had conversed with Fox & Gray at some...
I have not yet found it convenient to ascertain the deficiency in the numbers of Niles’ Register....
I enclose for your amusement a few papers of latest date. You will see that the Constn. has...
Yours of the 15th. was duly recd. It being thought not amiss that you shd. know you were not...
I recd. yours of Ocr. 31. on saturday but not in time to answer it by the return mail. Inclosed...
I have recd. yours enclosing the Bills of Exchange &c &c. The letter for Mr. Rush contains one of...
As it appears from your letter of the 5th. that Mr. Gideon adheres to his plan of publishing the...
I recd. some time ago a letter from Mr. Geo: Joy in London, requesting me to search my files for...
Th: Jefferson requests the favour of The Hon’ble Mr Cutts to dine with him the day after tomorrow...
A letter just recd. by Mr[s.] M. from Mrs. C. informs us that you had set out on a trip for...