John Jay Papers

From John Jay to William Jay, 16 September 1812

To William Jay

Bedford 16th. Septr. 1812

Dear William

When or where you will recieve this Letter is uncertain. I shall inclose it to Maria; who will either forward it immediately, or detain it until your Return to Albany, as she may think most adviseable—

I recd. by the last Mail your handsome and affectionate Letter of the 7th. Inst.1— it is sincerely my wish that the Expectations of both Families may be realized; and nothing will conduce more to it than mutual kind offices and attentions— Good Sense improved and polished by a good Education, promises much; especially when associated with Prudence and Moderation— It gives me pleasure to reflect that Augusta will find in our Family every Disposition to make her Situation in it agreable; and that a reciprocal Disposition on her Part will prove an additional Source of our domestic Comfort.

Our Business here goes on but slowly, and I apprehend that our carpenters will not finish their work as soon as they expected— George has left us— He marched last Saturday as a Substitute for one of our drafted neighbours—

Mary and Sally, & Mr. and Mrs. Sedgwick,2 arrived Yesterday— My Health is not quite so well as it lately was— Fluctuations in it however are not uncommon— Your Sisters and the children are well— Remember us to Augusta— I am Dear William your very affte. Father,

John Jay

Mr. Wm. Jay

ALS, NNC (EJ: 09647).

2Susan Ridley Sedgwick and Theodore Sedgwick Jr.

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