James Madison Papers

To James Madison from William Eustis, [ca. 17 September] 1812

From William Eustis

[ca. 17 September 1812]

Colo. Cass is of opinion that the Penva. troops at Pittsbg will not be required by Genl. Harrison. It remains to be considered 1st that having been advised of them G. H. may have made his arrangements accordingly1—by dismissing a part of his other troops—by ordering a part to the Iillinois [sic] or otherwise. 2. A part of the Penva. troops particularly those in the vicinity of Pittsburg prefer the western to the Eastern Route having friends in the former.

Again it is to be considered that the march to Detroit by the way of Cleveland is near 300 miles—that to Niagara not much more than 200, the former thro’ a wilderness, the latter principally thro’ a settled country. A man of good judgment and of proper authority could determine at Pittsburg what under all circumstances would be best.

Provisions to and at Niagara more plentiful and less expensive by 50 prcent.

RC (DLC). Unsigned. Undated; dated 1812 in the Index to the James Madison Papers; date assigned here on the basis of evidence presented in n. 1.

1Eustis wrote on 17 Sept. 1812 to give Harrison command of the Northwest Army, promising him “the Volunteers & militia of Kentucky Ohio” and “Three Thousand detached Militia from Virginia & Pennsylvania” (Esarey, Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison, Indiana Historical Collections, 136–37).

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