Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure IV: Philip Stephens to John Browne Cutting, [19 August 1790]

Enclosure IV
Philip Stephens to John Browne Cutting

[Admiralty Office, 19 Aug. 1790]


Having laid before my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty your Memorial of the 10th instant requesting the discharge of the four men named in the margin, natives of America and subjects of the United States of America, who have been impressed and put on board his Majesty’s Ships the Edgar and Crescent, I am commanded by their Lordships to acquaint you that they have given orders for the discharge of the said men. I am Sir, Your very huml Servt.

Ph. Stephens

FC (DNA: RG 59, PCC No. 121); at head of text: “Copy of a letter from Philip Stephens Esqr. Secretary to the Lords Commissioners of the British Admiralty, to Mr. Cutting dated Admiralty Office 19th August 1790”; at foot of text: “Hugh Purdie, Thomas Henderson, George Sheldrake, Isaac Crapper.”

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