Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Alrichs & Dixon, 22 September 1812

To Alrichs & Dixon

Monticello Sep. 22. 12.

Messrs Alrichs & Dixon

My letter of Aug. 30. informed you of my departure on a journey before I could consult the person who has charge of my small spinning establishment as to the kind of roll which a hand1 carding machine should make to suit us. I am but just returned from that journey, and on consulting him he sais the perpetual roll would not suit us, that it should be the short roll, such as is given off by common cards, of either cotton or wool. I will thank you therefore to expedite me one such as soon as you can. if a conveyance direct to Norfolk or Richmond can be had it will equally save time & expence,2 if not, it may be sent to Baltimore. if so, you must be so good as to add the charges to Baltimore to your bill, as I have no correspondent there. those from thence to Richmond will be paid there by mr Gibson of the house of Gibson & Jefferson. the moment I learn from you that the machine is ready and the additional expence of freight to Baltimore, I will desire mr Gibson to remit the amount to you to Wilmington if he can, otherwise to Philadelphia, and I shall be obliged to you to be as prompt as possible, as the season presses and we go on badly for want of it. Accept my best wishes and respects.

Th: Jefferson

P.S. do you make hand carding machines for wool also, and what is the price of a small one?

PoC (DLC); between signature and postscript: “Messrs Alrichs & Dixon”; endorsed by TJ.

1Word interlined.

2TJ here canceled “and I should hope the Richmond coal vessels.”

Index Entries

  • Alrichs & Dixon (Wilmington, Del., firm); and carding machine search
  • Alrichs & Dixon (Wilmington, Del., firm); letters to search
  • carding machines; from Alrichs & Dixon search
  • cotton; carding machine search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and shipments to TJ search
  • Gibson & Jefferson (Richmond firm); and textile machinery acquired by TJ search
  • machines; carding search
  • McClure (McLure), William; Monticello weaver search
  • wool; carding machines search