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Results 24511-24540 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
By Express last Night, I inform’d you of my having rec’d intelligence, that the Enemy’s Fleet had...
Since I had the Honr of Transmiting your Excely An Acct of the Enemies Fleet’s sailing, Nothing...
I do myself the Honour to Inclose you sundry Resolutions of Congress, to which beg leave to Refer...
We have had no certain intelligence of the Fleet since I wrote your Excellency on Yesterday Many...
The inclosed are Copies of two Letters one from Salem & the other from Glocester from which it...
as Congress have authorized your Excellency to send a proper Officer to take the Command in the...
I received Several Letters from your Excellency in my road & I executed his orders exactly, the...
Letter not found: to Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam, 2 Aug. 1777. On 4 Aug. Putnam wrote GW that “I Recd...
Despairing of an opportunity of personally communicating a peice of business, in your present...
Philadelphia, August 3, 1777 . Orders De Borre to remain at Bound Brook until enemy arrives at...
City Tavern [ Philadelphia ] August 3, 1777. Orders Nash to hold troops and vessels in readiness....
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be delivered by Monsr. Becard a Very Worthy and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <August 3, 1777, in French: Her son has been captured on an...
The conduct of the Enemy is distressing, and difficult to be understood. Since my last, directing...
The Inclos’d Resolves have just pass’d Congress, to which I beg leave to Refer you, and am with...
Your Favor of this date with its inclosures is now before me. At the same time that I express my...
As from a variety of contradictory circumstances, the Enemy’s real intentions still remain...
The Officers of Regiments & Companies are separately & constantly applying for Arms &...
Letter not found: to Preudhomme de Borre, 3 Aug. 1777. GW begins his second letter to Preudhomme...
I this day sent you orders by express to halt wherever it should find you; and not to proceed any...
By Express last Night from Cape May, we are informed that the Enemy’s Fleet were seen again after...
I enclose you a Letter from France for yourself and another to M r . Platt which ^ last ^ you’l...
Your kind Favour of July 23, came by the Post, this Morning. It revives me, to hear of your...
Mr. Babcock of Newhaven informs me that he wrote you respecting our maritime Laws, and the...
[ Philadelphia ] August 4, 1777. Forwards Congress’ appointment of Gates to the command of...
Philadelphia, August 4, 1777 . Warns of danger of popular attitude toward fall of Ticonderoga and...
24537General Orders, 4 August 1777 (Washington Papers)
In the present marching state of the army, every incumbrance proves greatly prejudicial to the...
The great expence & Loss of time that has attended the recruiting service in most of the states,...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. David Forman, 4 Aug. 1777. Forman’s letter to GW of 2 Aug. is...
Your Excellency will please to put in Orders who the several Officers wanting Stores of any kind...