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Results 2451-2500 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
2451 Adams, John McHenry, James From John Adams to James McHenry, 23 May 1800 1800-05-23 I have received your note of this date & have read all the papers. This whole business is so...
2452 Adams, John Jay, John From John Adams to John Jay, 15 May 1780 1780-05-15 I shall not always stand upon Ceremonies, nor wait for Answers to Letters, because useful Hints...
2453 Adams, John DeWitt, Jonathan From John Adams to Jonathan DeWitt, 22 September 1798 1798-09-22 I have received and read with great pleasure your address of the first of Sept. which, in this...
2454 Adams, John [December 1765] 1765-12-18 How great is my Loss, in neglecting to keep a regular Journal, through the last Spring, Summer,...
2455 Adams, John Waterhouse, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Waterhouse, 27 February … 1817-02-27 Are the works of Apuileus in Harvard College Library or in any other collection in America Have...
2456 Adams, John Marshall, John From John Adams to John Marshall, 26 August 1800 1800-08-26 I received last night your letter of the 16. I am well satisfied with all its contents. The only...
2457 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Adams, 25 January 1787 1787-01-25 I have received your Letters of December 20. and Jan. 11. by Coll. Franks. The whole of the...
2458 Adams, John President of Congress From John Adams to the President of Congress, 18 … 1781-01-18 Amsterdam, 18 January 1781. RC in John Thaxter’s hand PCC , No. 84, III, f. 87–44. printed :...
2459 Adams, John McHenry, James From John Adams to James McHenry, 27 July 1799 1799-07-27 I have recd your favour of the 20th. and have no Objection to the plan you propose of raising a...
2460 Adams, John Quincy, Samuel From John Adams to Samuel Quincy, October – November … 1758-10-01 Braintree, October–November? 1758. Printed: JA, Earliest Diary The Earliest Diary of John Adams ,...
2461 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 15 November 1800 1800-11-15 I rec d last night your Letter of the 11 th. Your Girls and M r shipley arrived in good health...
2462 Adams, John Carey, Mathew From John Adams to Mathew Carey, 19 October 1813 1813-10-19 Inclosed is a sketch of the unfortunate enterprize against Penobscot in 1779. drawn by an eye...
2463 Adams, John Ward, Joseph From John Adams to Joseph Ward, 24 October 1809 1809-10-24 Your favor of the 13th came seasonably to my hand. Your approbation of my communications to the...
2464 Adams, John United States Senate From John Adams to United States Senate, 22 December … 1800-12-22 I nominate the following List of Gentlemen for Promotions and Appointments in the Army of the...
2465 Adams, John Taylor, John From John Adams to John Taylor, 12 March 1819 1819-03-12 The painful difficulty of holding a pen which has been—growing upon me for many years & now in...
2466 Adams, John Osborn, Selleck From John Adams to Selleck Osborn, 27 April 1823 1823-04-27 I have received your letter of the 24 April & have desired my friend Mr Shaw to subscribe my name...
2467 Adams, John Calkoen, Hendrik 20. To Hendrik Calkoen, 26 October 1780 1780-10-26 Question 20. Has there not been different opinions in Congress, with Regard to this, (i.e. to...
2468 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 11 December 1814 1814-12-11 The Bearer of this Letter, after an Education at our Cambridge, travelled with J. Q. A. to...
2469 Adams, John Aug. 11th. 1769. Fryday. 1769-08-11 Mr. Tudor came, for the first Time and attended the Office, all Day, and paid me £10 St.—In the...
2470 Adams, John Malcom, Samuel B. From John Adams to Samuel B. Malcom, 22 July 1803 1803-07-22 I acknowledge with Sincere pleasure, the Receipt of a handsome and a friendly letter from you, of...
2471 Adams, John Stoddert, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Stoddert, 31 March 1801 1801-03-31 On the evening of the 18, a few minutes after my Arrival at this place commenced a violent...
2472 Adams, John Adams, George Washington From John Adams to George Washington Adams, 3 October … 1815-10-03 Mr John Chipman Gray, who is to be the Bearer of this Letter is about to make the Tour of Europe,...
2473 Adams, John King, Rufus From John Adams to Rufus King, 7 December 1819 1819-12-07 I have received, and read with Avidity and pleasure your Eloquence and Ratiocination, on the...
2474 Adams, John Malcom, Samuel B. From John Adams to Samuel B. Malcom, 17 June 1812 1812-06-17 I lost no time, in writing to Mr Madison, and to all I could Say in your favour inclosed your...
2475 Adams, John [21] July 1766. 1766-07-21 Monday after Commencement. Last Saturday, I accidentally found a curious Volume, which Oaks...
2476 Adams, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Adams, 25 April 1813 1813-04-25 Yesterday Morning expecting a Letter from Dr Rush I Sent early to the Post Office: but my...
2477 Adams, John 15 Fryday. 1753-06-15 At Colledge, a Clear, warm morning, and so Continued.
2478 Adams, John Everett, Alexander Hill From John Adams to Alexander Hill Everett, 19 July 1813 1813-07-19 I am glad to find you are pleased with the sketches. The exploits of our maratime and naval...
2479 Adams, John Mazzei, Philip From John Adams to Philip Mazzei, 18 January 1781 1781-01-18 I yesterday received yours of the 19 of October. Sometime Since I received the other of the 19th....
2480 Adams, John Quincy, Josiah From John Adams to Josiah Quincy, 17 May 1759 1759-05-17 Braintree, post 17 May 1759. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John...
2481 Adams, John Channing, Henry From John Adams to Henry Channing, 27 May 1822 1822-05-27 I thank you for your favor of the 22 inst & the two Connecticut gazettes which I have given to...
2482 Adams, John Middlesex County, Ma., Grand Jury From John Adams to Ma., Grand Jury Middlesex County, 7 … 1798-11-07 I thank you for this Address which has been transmitted to me by The Chief Justice of the State,...
2483 Adams, John Tudor, William, Sr. From John Adams to William Tudor, Sr., 1 June 1818 1818-06-01 No Man could have written from Memory Mr Otis’s Argument of four or five hours against The Acts...
2484 Adams, John Osgood, Samuel From John Adams to Samuel Osgood , 15 November 1775 1775-11-15 Your first Letter to me is now before me. The true Cause why General Frie, has not received from...
2485 Adams, John Warren, James From John Adams to James Warren, 11 February 1776 1776-02-11 Mr. Archibald Buchannan, and Mr. Walter Tolley both of Maryland, and hearty Friends of America,...
2486 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 6 September 1776 1776-09-06 This day, I think, has been the most remarkable of all. Sullivan came here from Lord Howe, five...
2487 Adams, John Fagel, Hendrik John Adams to Hendrik Fagel, 1 July 1784 1784-07-01 When I was in London last November & December I amused myself often, by running into Booksellers...
2488 Adams, John Lotter, Christian From John Adams to Christian Lotter, 8 April 1785 1785-04-08 I have received your letter of the 30 of March as I did another Sometime ago. I congratulate you...
2489 Adams, John Shaw, William Smith From John Adams to William Smith Shaw, 10 June 1819 1819-06-10 I thank you kindly for sending me Cen the Centinel containing the pieces upon Neutrality signed...
2490 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 27 February 1783 1783-02-27 I read in a great Writer, Montesquieu that “l’honneur, en imposant la loi de servir, veut en être...
2491 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 19 August 1777 1777-08-19 The Weather still continues cloudy and cool and the Wind Easterly. Howe’s Fleet and Army is still...
2492 Adams, John Huntington, Samuel From John Adams to the President of Congress, No. 50 … 1780-04-23 Paris, 23 April 1780. LbC ( Adams Papers ). Although a note to the Letterbook copy of...
2493 Adams, John Novr. 14th. 1760. 1760-11-14 Another Year is now gone and upon Recollection, I find I have executed none of my Plans of study....
2494 Adams, John Rush, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Rush, 2 February 1790 1790-02-02 I cannot give up my dear Latin and Greek although Fortune has never permitted me to enjoy so much...
2495 Adams, John Rush, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Rush, 17 May 1789 1789-05-17 Your favour of the 19 of March deserves a particular consideration and answer, which I have not,...
2496 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Adams, 10 March 1823 1823-03-10 The sight of your well known hand writing in your favour of 25. Feb. last, gave me great...
2497 Adams, John 19 Tuesday. 1753-06-19 At Colledge, a very warm morning, at 11 Disputed on this question (viz) systema Copernicanum est...
2498 Adams, John January 21. Tuesday. 1783-01-21 Went to Versailles to pay my Respects to the King and Royal Family, upon the Event of Yesterday....
2499 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 22 July 1813 1813-07-22 Dr Priestley, in a letter to Mr Lindsey Northumberland Nov. 4. 1803 Says “As you were pleased...
2500 Adams, John 1779. April 15. Thursday. 1779-04-15 Dined at home.