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Results 2451-2500 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
2451 Stanwix, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Stanwix, 23 May 1757 1757-05-23 By John Stanwix Esqr. Colonel Commandt of the First Battalion of his Majestys Royl American...
2452 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 24 May 1757 1757-05-24 The Bearer of this is Sergeant Feint, a young fellow who went out with the first party of...
2453 Ball, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Ball, 25 May 1757 1757-05-25 Waited on the Governour this day in Company with Capt. McNeal, on my applying to him to be paid...
2454 Washington, George Jackson, Robert From George Washington to Robert Jackson, 26 May 1757 1757-05-26 The following is a list of necessaries wanted for the public works at this place. I must beg the...
2455 Withers, William List of Officers in the Virginia Regiment, 26 May 1757 1757-05-26 May 26th 1757 Ensigns Hubbard & Price appointed Lts but to rank after Dangerfield & Fleming—This...
2456 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Deborah From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, 27 May 1757 1757-05-27 ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Parker being doubtful this Morning, whether the Rain...
2457 Washington, George Shippen, Edward From George Washington to Edward Shippen, 28 May 1757 1757-05-28 The Inclosd, is a true Copy of the Receipt which Jno. Spour has past to me, for Stores that he is...
2458 Spour, John Washington, George Enclosure: John Spour’s Receipt, 28 May 1757 1757-05-28 Receiv’d of Colo. George Washington out of the Publick Stores at Winchester the following...
2459 Washington, George Stanwix, John From George Washington to John Stanwix, 28 May 1757 1757-05-28 Your Orders of the 23d instant I was favoured with this morning; and have complied therewith as...
2460 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 29 May 1757 1757-05-29 Mr Atkins delay is productive of numberless ill consequences. I am teased incessantly by the...
2461 Franklin, Benjamin Mecom, Jane From Benjamin Franklin to Jane Mecom, 30 May 1757 1757-05-30 MS not found; reprinted from Duane, Works , VI , 18–20. I have before me yours of the 9th and...
2462 Franklin, Benjamin Norris, Isaac From Benjamin Franklin to Isaac Norris, 30 May 1757 1757-05-30 Draft: American Philosophical Society After waiting here above Seven Weeks for the Sailing of the...
2463 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 30 May 1757 1757-05-30 The Indians are so dissatisfied at Mr Atkins’ delay, that I am obliged to send this Express to...
2464 Washington, George Robinson, John From George Washington to John Robinson, 30 May 1757 1757-05-30 We receive fresh proofs every day of the bad direction of our Indian affairs. It is not easy to...
2465 Dinwiddie, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Dinwiddie, 1 June 1757 1757-06-01 Yours of the 24th May I received, Serjt Fent has given a pretty good Accott of his remarks at...
2466 Hall, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hall, 1 June 1757 1757-06-01 I have to inform you I have been at this Place this 7 days. I have made use of all my...
2467 Hall, David David Hall’s Remittances to England, 1757–1765 1757-06-02 MS account book: American Philosophical Society [June 2, 1757] The partnership agreement with...
2468 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Deborah From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, 2 June 1757 1757-06-02 ALS : American Philosophical Society I have just received yours of the 29th [past. I have made]...
2469 Franklin, Benjamin Stiles, Ezra From Benjamin Franklin to Ezra Stiles, 2 June 1757 1757-06-02 ALS : Yale University Library Having waited here near Eight Weeks for a Passage to England, we...
2470 Franklin, William Graeme, Elizabeth William Franklin to Elizabeth Graeme, 2 June 1757 1757-06-02 ALS : New York Public Library By one Accident or other we are still in N. York. But I know not...
2471 Washington, George Commanding Officer on the South Branch From George Washington to Commanding Officer on the … 1757-06-02 Letter not found: to Commanding Officer on the South Branch, 2 June 1757. On 3 June 1757 GW wrote...
2472 Washington, George Lewis, Andrew From George Washington to Andrew Lewis, 2 June 1757 … 1757-06-02 Letter not found: to Andrew Lewis, 2 June 1757. On 3 June 1757 GW wrote to Lewis : “In a letter...
2473 Washington, George Commanding Officer on the South Branch From George Washington to Commanding Officer on the … 1757-06-03 In my letter to you of yesterdays date, I enclosed you one to Major Lewis; desiring him not to...
2474 Washington, George Lewis, Andrew From George Washington to Andrew Lewis, 3 June 1757 1757-06-03 In a letter which I wrote to you yesterday, I desired that the Indians might not be brought to...
2475 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Peter From Benjamin Franklin to [Peter and Mary Franklin], [4 … 1757-06-04 MS not found; extracts reprinted from Parke-Bernet Galleries Catalogue, Sale No. 134 (Oct. 25–6,...
2476 Washington, George Lewis, Joshua From George Washington to Joshua Lewis, 6 June 1757 1757-06-06 Instructions for Capt. Lewis. By George Washington Esquire, Colonel of the Virginia Regiment, &c....
2477 Dinwiddie, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Dinwiddie, 6 June 1757 1757-06-06 I recd Yr Letter of the 30th Ulto ⅌ Ct. Gist—I am sorry the Indians are so refractory, which I...
2478 Washington, George Memoranda, 7 June 1757 1757-06-07 Before Majr Lewis goes to his Post in Augusta—Peruse carefully the Contents of Captn Hogs Letters...
2479 Washington, George Hog, Peter From George Washington to Peter Hog, 7 June 1757 … 1757-06-07 Letter not found: to Peter Hog, 7 June 1757. On 7 June 1757 GW writes in his Memoranda : “I have...
2480 Washington, George Wilper, John David From George Washington to John David Wilper, 7 June … 1757-06-07 Instructions for John Davd Wilper—Sergeant in the Virginia Regiment. By George Washington Esq....
2481 Bland, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Bland, 7 June 1757 1757-06-07 I had the pleasure of receiving your Letter by Mr Gist: and I assure you, I should look upon it...
2482 Washington, George Memoranda, 8 June 1757 1757-06-08 Get the Prices of all the Soldiers Cloathg from Colo. Carlyle—with a reasonable advance; and give...
2483 Stewart, Robert Enclosure II: Court of Inquiry, 9 June 1757 1757-06-09 At a Court of Enquiry held at Fort Loudoun June 9th 1757 to enquire why Lieut. Campbell did not...
2484 Washington, George Memorandum, 10 June 1757 1757-06-10 Write the Officers on the Branch not to furnish the Indians with Horses—if they do they may...
2485 Washington, George Baylor, John From George Washington to John Baylor, 10 June 1757 … 1757-06-10 Letter not found: to John Baylor, 10 June 1757. On 20 June 1757 Baylor wrote to GW : “Yrs of the...
2486 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 10 June … 1757-06-10 Your letters of the 23d ultimo and 2d [1st] instant are received. Mr Atkin will write your Honor...
2487 Washington, George Robinson, John From George Washington to John Robinson, 10 June 1757 1757-06-10 A person of a readier pen and having more time than myself, might amuse you with the vicissitudes...
2488 Baker, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Baker, 10 June 1757 1757-06-10 I Yesterday returned to this place with the Cherokees and have the Satisfaction to acquaint you...
2489 Washington, George Memoranda, 11 June 1757 1757-06-11 Send to him the proceedings of the Enquiry Court upon Lt Campbell. Ditto—Instructns to the Offrs...
2490 Washington, George McKenzie, Robert From George Washington to Robert McKenzie, 11 June 1757 1757-06-11 The exorbitant expence, and bad precedent of giving to every Indian who is pleased to demand it,...
2491 Washington, George Memoranda, 12 June 1757 1757-06-12 Write to him in behalf of the Govr to know whether he can furnish the Virginia Troops with arms....
2492 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 12 June … 1757-06-12 The enclosed is a return of the Subaltern Officers and Cadets in the Virginia Regiment, set down...
2493 Washington, George Enclosure I: List of Junior Officers in the Virginia … 1757-06-12 If your Honor is pleased to promote the Officers &c. according to their seniority, and present...
2494 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 12 June … 1757-06-12 Since closing my packet for your Honor of this date, I have received by Express, from Fort...
2495 Washington, George Baker, James From George Washington to James Baker, 12 June 1757 1757-06-12 I embrace this opportunity of congratulating you upon your safe return; and of thanking you, for...
2496 Washington, George Memoranda, 13 June 1757 1757-06-13 Draughts: Not to receive any but what is fit for the Service; reject all that are old—Subject to...
2497 Washington, George Memorandum, 14 June 1757 1757-06-14 Colo. Stanwix. Send him Colo. Carlyles Letter. Write him abt Lieutt Bakers Success. That the...
2498 Dagworthy, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Dagworthy, 14 June 1757 1757-06-14 Six Cherokee Indians who just now came from Fort Du Quesne, say that six days ago they saw a...
2499 Livingston, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Livingston, 14 June … 1757-06-14 I am desird by Capt. Dagworthy to accquaint you that their is a great body of the Enemy one their...
2500 Washington, George Stanwix, John From George Washington to John Stanwix, 15 June 1757 1757-06-15 I have the pleasure to inform you, that a scouting party, consisting of 5 Soldiers, and 15...