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Results 2451-2480 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
2451 Jefferson, Thomas Notes on a Cabinet Meeting, 5 April 1808 1808-04-05 Apr. 5. 08. present the 4. Secretaries. having now 100. gunboats building and about 70. in...
2452 Jefferson, Thomas Jones & Howell From Thomas Jefferson to Jones & Howell, 5 January 1807 1807-01-05 I now inclose you a draught of the bank of this place on that at Philadelphia for 281.25 D...
2453 Williams, Jonathan Jr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 6 … 1781-03-06 LS : University of Pennsylvania Library As the English News Writers have been endeavouring to...
2454 Jefferson, Thomas Taylor, Robert Barraud Thomas Jefferson to Robert Taylor and Chapman Johnson … 1820-05-16 We regretted much your absence at the late meeting of the board of Visitors , but did not doubt...
2455 Williams, Jonathan Jr. American Commissioners Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners … 1777-08-06 ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be presented you by Monsr. De Foligné Commander of...
2456 Jefferson, Randolph Jefferson, Thomas Randolph Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 24 February … 1813-02-24 I have sent Squire over to you for the garden seeds you were so kind as to promise me us . what...
2457 Washington, George Franklin, Benjamin From George Washington to Benjamin Franklin, 20 … 1780-12-20 A few days since—by the Chevr De Chatteleaux I had the honor to receive your favor of the 19th of...
2458 Tudor, William Adams, Abigail William Tudor to Abigail Adams, 3 September 1774 1774-09-03 You may depend on my giving your Letter to Capt. Marston who sets out for Philadelphia on Monday....
2459 Smith, William Stephens Adams, Abigail Smith From William Stephens Smith to Abigail Smith Adams, 14 … 1814-10-14 I have your letter of the 1st. inst. and yesterday visited Mr. Hellen & his family, they are all...
2460 Jefferson, Thomas Notes on a Conference, 5 March 1806 1806-03-05 1806 Mar. 5. for particular instrns to Armstrong & Bowdoin relative to the purchase of the...
2461 Washington, George Clinton, George From George Washington to George Clinton, 4 March 1779 1779-03-04 The president of Congress has transmitted me Your Excellencys letter to the delegates of New...
2462 Campbell, Arthur Adams, John To John Adams from Arthur Campbell, 21 October 1797 1797-10-21 You have spoken, and you have spoke it with dignity and truth.—That the rising generation of...
2463 Washington, George Gates, Horatio From George Washington to Major General Horatio Gates … 1777-05-07 The inclosed, to General Wayne, requires him to hasten to me as speedily as he can, after the...
2464 Joy, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Joy, 31 December 1814 1814-12-31 It is long since I had the honor of addressing you; much longer since I had that of receiving a...
2465 Walton, Michael Madison, James To James Madison from Michael Walton, 24 January 1805 … 1805-01-24 24 January 1805, Baltimore. “Inclosed is a letter I receiv’d from my Brother by the Ship Serpent...
2466 Adams, John [Saturday May 11. 1776.] 1776-05-11 Saturday May 11. 1776. A Petition from John Jacobs in behalf of himself and others was presented...
2467 Jefferson, Thomas Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Thomas Jefferson to Lafayette, 26 December 1820 1820-12-26 It is long indeed, my very dear friend, since I have been able to address a letter to you. for...
2468 Washington, George Henley, David From George Washington to David Henley, 3 July 1797 1797-07-03 Your letter of the 11th Ulto from Knoxville has been duly received, and for the kind &...
2469 George Armroyd & Co. Madison, James To James Madison from George Armroyd & Co., 17 August … 1805-08-17 § From George Armroyd & Co. 17 August 1805, Philadelphia . “We avail ourselves of your being at...
2470 Lear, Tobias Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Tobias Lear, 8 November 1793 1793-11-08 Accept my grateful acknowledgements and best thanks for your kind letter of the 5th. instant;...
2471 Madison, James Bates, Joseph From James Madison to Joseph Bates, 21 April 1804 … 1804-04-21 21 April 1804, Department of State. “Mr. Williams placed in my hands your statement respecting...
2472 Joy, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Joy, 5 February 1823 1823-02-05 I wrote you on the 30th Ult: to take the first Conveyance from London or Liverpool; and I now...
2473 Dubbeldemuts, F. & A. (business) Adams, John F. & A. Dubbeldemuts to John Adams: A Translation, 17 … 1781-06-17 We are interested in a ship and its cargo of which we have enclosed information. We are taking...
2474 Washington, George Burwell, Carter From George Washington to Carter Burwell, 20 April 1755 1755-04-20 From the goodness kindness of your offer last Assembly, I flatter myself you will be kind enough...
2475 Woodbury, Levi Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Levi Woodbury, 11 June 1824 1824-06-11 I enclose to you a Review of Mr. Adams Oration in D. 1821. and my Message to the Legislature of...
2476 Hamilton, Alexander Randolph, Edmund From Alexander Hamilton to Edmund Randolph, 9 July 1794 1794-07-09 [ Philadelphia, July 9, 1794. On July 12, 1794, Randolph acknowledged Hamilton’s “letter of the...
2477 Hamilton, Alexander McHenry, James From Alexander Hamilton to James McHenry, 5 October … 1799-10-05 The Lieut. This will be handed to you by Lieut. Rogers, of the first Regiment who is on the way...
2478 Trumbull, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Trumbull, 21 June 1784 1784-06-21 I have presumed to desire my Friend, Col. Humphrys to present to your Excellency a copy of...
2479 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 26 … 1812-09-26 He published—his opinions on Jus Eccles. Protest . in the Ses—which were—under his...
2480 Adams, John Quincy Johnson, Catherine Nuth From John Quincy Adams to Catherine Nuth Johnson, 24 … 1811-08-24 I wrote you the letter of which a copy is enclosed on the very day of my dear wife’s...