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Results 24501-24530 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
In Consequence of your Excellys Desire to receive timely Information of every Mœnuver which the...
24502January 1785 (Washington Papers)
First Monday. Colo. Bassett, who brought his daughter Fanny to this place to remain on the 24th....
The Commissioners of Spain residing here have complained to the President of the United States...
2 March 1804, New Orleans. “The northern mail arrived on last evening, but brought me no official...
The last Post brought me the honor of your favor of the 12th—I am made happy by occasions which...
Agreable to Your request this morning I called on Genl. Dearborn to make a further Statement of...
We your Petitioners, beg leave to represent to your Excellency the state and circumstances of a...
At the date of your favor of Oct. 30. I had just left home on a journey to a distant possession...
The Secretary of State has it in charge from the President of the United States, to request the...
I have duly received your favor of the 22d. May and will take care of your indemnification for...
As it has become my duty to prepare a plan for the consideration of Congress, respecting the...
Yesterday morning a letter without Signature was found in the Rear of this Brigade with...
If I had not been blind to my own Interest I should have Sooner acknowledged your favor of 23d of...
[ Williamsburg ] 6 Nov. 1779 . The governor has written the Board to authorize Oliver Pollock of...
Yesterday I had the honor of writing to Your Excellency a public Letter by James Martin & also of...
Yesterday I delivered your letter to Doctor ******, and hope you will receive such satisfaction...
I have duly received your two favors of the 24th and 25th Ultimo. The proceedings of the Court...
I Propose to pay the President of the United States Eight Dollars pr accre for what is Call’d...
I have duly recd. your letter of the 5th. You have been misinformed with respect to the relation...
Am returned from Boston, and according to my Promise sett down begining to write you a...
After acknowledging the Honour of your very friendly and polite Letter dated "before york 5...
Your Lre of the 27th of January is received. In answer to that part of your lre of the 15...
The importance of the North River in the present contest and the necessity of defending it, are...
As my present employment is laborious in addition to the disagreeable circumstance of...
On my return from Phila: I meditated a trip to the Mountains, and in that event my design was to...
In consequence of your enquiries, relative to the claim of the Marquis de la Fayette, I have the...
My last unofficial letter was dated October 31st., since when nothing has occurred in our affairs...
24528[Diary entry: 3 May 1768] (Washington Papers)
3. The hound bitch Mopsey brought 8 Puppys, distinguishd by the following...
Copies of the Inclosed Letter I have already written to the Governors of Rhode Island &...
Les Et. d’Hollande se rassemblent demain. Notre Ami arrive ce soir; et je vais lui souhaitter bon...