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Results 24501-24510 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I wrote to you two or three Posts ago, since which your Letter of the 10th Instt is come to hand. with respect to the proposed exchange of Lands with Colo. Thos Moore, I have not a competent knowledge of either Tract, to give an opinion with any degree of precission; but from the situation of Moore’s Land, and its contiguity to a large part of your Estate, and where you will probably make your...
I thank you for your cordial and affectionate congratulations on our late success at Monmouth, and the arrival of the French Fleet at the hook —the first might, I think, have been a glorious day, if matters had begun well in the Morning; but as the Court Martial which has been setting upwards of a Month for the tryal of Genl Lee, is not yet over, I do not choose to say any thing on the...
We have the pleasure to advise the safe arrival of Capt. Esten. no care shall be wanting in us to make the most of thy 8 Hhds Tobacco. it gives us concern that we are not favourd wth a larger share of thy Consignments we flatter our Selves that our Account Sales are as good as Messrs Carys & Co. by the return of Capt. Esten next Spring let us partake of an equal share & an impartial division...
I have been called upon by the unanimous voice of the Colonies to take the command of the Continental Army—It is an honour I neither sought after, or was by any means fond of accepting, from a consciousness of my own inexperience, and inability to discharge the duties of so important a Trust. However, as the partiallity of the Congress have placed me in this distinguished point of view, I can...
Letter not found: to John Parke Custis, 4 June 1776. On 10 June John Parke Custis wrote to GW : “Your Favor of the 4th inst. . . . came to Hand last Saturday.”
Letter not found: to John Parke Custis, 1 Mar. 1778. On 3 April, Custis wrote Martha Washington: “My Affecte Regards to the General. . . . I return Him many Thanks for his Letter of the 1st of which got to my Hands on Tuesday last” ( Fields, Papers of Martha Washington Joseph E. Fields, ed. “Worthy Partner”: The Papers of Martha Washington . Westport, Conn., and London, 1994. , 178–79).
Your Letter of the 26th of July came to my hands yesterday & I thank you for the acct given of the proceedings of the Assembly—If you had not adopted the Finance scheme, I should have thought the omission unpardonable; as it must, in a manner, have set our money afloat again; when every measure which human policy is capable of devising ought to be adopted to give it a fixed, & permanent value....
Your Letter of the 12th of last Month from Williamsburg is got safe to hand, & I am obliged to you for the Deed which you have got from the Secretary’s Office in Richmond & purposed bringing to Lund Washington. You say I shall be surprized at the slow progress made by your Assembly in the passage of the Bills through both Houses. I really am not, nor shall I, I believe, be again surprized at...
If my Brother, to whom the Inclosed is addressed, should not be a Member of Assembly, & in Williamsbg, I should be glad if you would contrive it to him by a safe hand. The Enemy still continue to keep us in suspence, & baffle all conjecture—they have five or Six thousand Men at this time actually on board transports, lying in New York bay; and a fleet of more than a hundred Sail left the Hook...
I will just write you a few lines in acknowledgment of your Letter of the 14th Ulto; which was detaind by the Posts not being able to cross Susquehanna, till the Evening before last. I congratualte you upon the birth of another daughter, & Nelly’s good health; & heartily wish the last may continue, & the other be a blessing to you. The money received for your Land was, I think, well applied,...