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Results 24501-24550 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The letters to be answered under address to Mr Levi Canning &c. has [ sic ] been recd. The...
Having never had the honour of any personal acquaintance with you I may commit an indiscretion,...
Your favour of the 19th. which I duly recd is before me. I am rejoiced that you, who have so much...
Believing that a respectful address to the President of the United States on a Subject which so...
Herewith you will receive a small box containing 3 Roots Antholiza æthiopica, a Green House bulb,...
I have rec d . your Letter of the 17 th . Inst — The Details in it are interesting, and I am glad...
Still without authentic information from Abroad. The Halifax papers expect Adml. Warren with a...
The writer of this did not intend to follow up the late communication with any other, until he...
I take the Liberty of soliciting your patronage for my Son John Y. Lansing who is a Surgeon in...
I have just received yours of the 21st. Smiths pretention is entirely unfounded. A major genl. in...
Having in common with every good citizen of the United States an anxiety, that the present...
I have the honor to inclose you a Copy of a statement made at Cleveland in order to send on to...
I shall now be glad to have Joes assistance any evning—that will be convenient to you—perhaps...
I herewith send you a small box con t aining 6 Dwarf Persian Iris, 12 Cloth of Gold Crocus 6 Iris...
Capt Nyers who went from here in a Brig belonging to Mr Gray, & was captured on her way to France...
I am very sorry I was not absent, when your excellent Mother left me your Letter of the 12th of...
When I had the pleasure to see you at Montpellier I expected long before this to have been with...
I address you upon a subject, which I claim no right to, except that of humanity and of the...
Ca. 22 September 1812. Informs JM that Henry Glen was appointed assistant deputy quartermaster on...
My letter of Aug. 30. informed you of my departure on a journey before I could consult the person...
On the evening of the 19 th Ins t I had the pleasure to receive your esteemed lines of the 16 th...
During the last two years, the unwelcome task has too often been allotted to you, to communicate...
I rec d . on the 19 th . your Letter of the 11 th . Inst.— The Diminution of my health since I...
Not a word from abroad, or the West, since you left us. Dearborn has still one eye on Montreal,...
Mr: Russell has sometimes said he wished I would give a lesson to some of my federal friends; and...
The humble petition of Francis Perry Sheweth that your Petitioner has been confined in the...
Your favor of the 8 th ult. was handed to me at Columbia , for which I return you my thanks.—The...
I received your Letter of 17th of the last Evening and rejoiced with trembling. Dr Hoolbrook...
If I did not believe that the motive which actuates me would justify me even under the...
20 September 1812, Hormuz , “ His Majesty’s Ship Salvador del Mundo .” “Presumeing that you are...
I should not have troubled your retirement upon political subjects had not there been a rumor for...
The sermon inclosed with your last of the 3d. instant is now returned. It is a strong proof of...
Mr. Maury has transmitted to Monroe M.S. copy of a peice that I had the good fortune to get into...
Soon after writing my last letter to you I was invited to attend the meeting I mentioned to you....
In the good old English Phrase, I give you ten thousand Thanks for the Muscat Wine of Samos,...
I have the honour of commanding the only Battalion of Mounted Riflemen now attached to the army...
Having been made acquainted with many circumstances of the medical department of our army which...
Ca. 18 September 1812. “The Petition of the Subscribers, Citizens of the United States, on behalf...
I deferred answering your letter of July 11 because I had learnt there were several points of...
I inclose you a bill of exchange for 988.03. D drawn by Smiths & Morrison of New Orleans on Brown...
I have recieved a letter from mr Oster with a copy of an opinion of mr Tazewell in the case of M....
The original letter from mr Morgan with the account inclosed, came to hand since I wrote to you....
I am not able to read the inclosed letter , but presume it served merely to cover the one...
Your political enemies are taking every possible advantage of our unaccountable disasters at...
Colo. Cass is of opinion that the Penva. troops at Pittsbg will not be required by Genl....
The Tenth Day of June last, I left home, to make a Tour through this & ohio State. I had some...
Inter Arma Silent leges, is what We call an old Saying. I hope that Scientiæ will not be added....
I have not had the pleasure of hearing from Bedford since I left it & am now very anxious for...
When or where you will recieve this Letter is uncertain. I shall inclose it to Maria; who will...
Presuming you are a member of the house on which the inclosed bill is drawn, I take the liberty...