George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Major General William Heath, 1 August 1777

From Major General William Heath

Boston Augt 1, 1777

Dear General

We this moment have received the Intelligence contained in the inclosed1—whether the Enemy will turn in here, or whether they are destined to Portsmouth, Falmouth (Casco Bay) or to Hallifax, or to the River St Lawrance, Time must discover. I have not time to add, but have The Honor to be Your Excellency’s Most Hble Servt

W. Heath

LS, DLC:GW; ADfS, MHi: Heath Papers; copy, DNA:PCC, item 169. The copy in DNA:PCC was made from the copy of this letter that GW enclosed in his first letter to John Hancock of 9 Aug. 1777. The original enclosed copy has not been found, however.

1Heath enclosed a copy of Brig. Gen. Michael Farley’s letter to the Massachusetts council of 1 Aug. (see the council to GW, that date, and note 1).

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