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Results 24481-24490 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I was much pleased with the flow of good spirits which your last Letter indicated my Dear George more particularly as I considered it a strong evidence of returning health which I hope will now be substantially confirmed— That you will make a good Soldier if you aim at distinction in that line I have no doubt—but the Company into which you have entered is much more famed for dissipation than...
Your kind letter of the 15th. of March has remained too long on file unanswered. That of the 7th. of the same month had been also duly received by Mrs. Adams. From the friendly interest which you have so long taken in our welfare, I was fully convinced that the result of the election would be gratifying to you; & in the sympathizing sentiments of my friends, I have always taken far more...
I yesterday received your melancholy Letter my Dear George informing me of the low state of Mrs. Welshs health and the painful anticipation of the family of her speedy demise—I always had a high opinion of Mrs. Welsh since I had the pleasure of first making her acquaintance and have always been very sensible of her kindness to myself and my children—The external polish of life acquired by...
We have just learnt the afflicting dispensation which has befallen you, and while forwarding the enclosed Letter to your daughter I cannot forbear adding the assurance of the deep sympathy which I feel with you on this melancholy occasion—May you, and all your children, be comforted under this bereavement with all the consolations, that earth can afford, or Heaven bestow—Prays / Your...
John W. Boott Esq. of this city being desirous, with his friend Mr M Cale, of Philadelphia, to pay his respects to you and has requested me to give him that opportunity. He is one of our most respectable citizens and I shall be happy to enable him to enjoy the gratification of the interview he wishes Very respectfully / Yrs MHi : Adams Papers.
Presuming upon an acquaintance it was my happiness to form, many years ago, and upon the experience it afforded me of your affability and kindness, I venture, after this lapse of time, and the changes it has produced, to obtrude myself on your recollection, and to solicit your aid in submitting to the consideration of the President, a statement, which nothing but a sense of duty to those who...
I recieved the enclosed extract this morning from the North. The Source from whence it comes is as Mr DeGrand would say “first rate.” Dr. Waterhouse is a well known character in Massachusetts and so staunch a Republican that any thing concerning him would be gratifying to that party—Concerning the truth of the suggestion I know nothing. Whether true or false however this indirect notice of the...
I regret much that an usage, which has been uniformly observed since the existence of our Government, interdicts me the pleasure which I should take in complying with your request to furnish a Letter of Introduction, for Mr Greig to some person in London. Praying to be remembered affectionately to my Niece, I remain / Dear Sir, your friend and humble Servt MHi : Alexander B. Johnson Letters.
As it is possible my dear George that you may hear a rumour that your father was drowned I hasten to write you a few lines to assure you that he is safe although he did run some risk this morning in one of his swimming expeditions. In crossing the river this morning in a small crazy boat in company with Anthony the boat filled with water and upset when about half over but he fortunately had...
The Dr. handed me this morning Mr Websters address delivered at Bunker’s Hill, upon condition that I would give you a slight notice of it. Among other avocations I have only found time to draw up the enclosed which I have scarcely reviewed—Do as you please with it— Yrs &c— DLC : Peter Force Collection.