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Results 24481-24530 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I was much pleased with the flow of good spirits which your last Letter indicated my Dear George...
Your kind letter of the 15th. of March has remained too long on file unanswered. That of the 7th....
I yesterday received your melancholy Letter my Dear George informing me of the low state of Mrs....
We have just learnt the afflicting dispensation which has befallen you, and while forwarding the...
John W. Boott Esq. of this city being desirous, with his friend Mr M Cale, of Philadelphia, to...
Presuming upon an acquaintance it was my happiness to form, many years ago, and upon the...
I recieved the enclosed extract this morning from the North. The Source from whence it comes is...
I regret much that an usage, which has been uniformly observed since the existence of our...
As it is possible my dear George that you may hear a rumour that your father was drowned I hasten...
The Dr. handed me this morning Mr Websters address delivered at Bunker’s Hill, upon condition...
Your Sister informs me my dear Thomas that you are preparing to enter College in the Month of...
Dr Jarvis with great truth and propriety observes that “the Religion of the Indians has not be...
Let me express to you my gratitude for your last note on reading which I had a foretaste of the...
Mr. Thomas Grafton Addiron junr. having a wish to be employed in the public service has requested...
The Baron de Syon will have the honor of presenting you this letter. He has been travelling from...
Mr. Johnson presents his respectful Complimts. to Mr. Adams, & encloses for Mr. Adams perusal two...
I enclose here with the two Policies of Insurance on my two Houses in Nassau Street Boston, which...
I was very happy to hear from you my dear George as I felt anxious on account of the great heat...
Dr Jarvis with great truth and propriety observes that “the Religion of the Indians has not been...
I wish you would have the goodness to speak to your Brother concerning my tending the Light on...
It seems an age to me , since we parted, and have not since had any accounts from those who have...
Know all men by these presents, that I John Quincy Adams of Boston in the County of Suffolk and...
In compliance with your letters of 2d and 23d ulto. I have executed a deed of my share of Land in...
As I am afraid you will hardly recieve my Letter in time I hasten to tell you that if you have no...
We have been suffering so much from intense heat this Summer my dear George it has been...
Your Letter of the 2d. Instt. has remained some days unanswered, more from a repugnance in me to...
Ever since the middle of the last month we have been in such a succession of events and...
Your Letter is this moment put into my hands my beloved Son, and I hasten to answer it,...
I feel a diffidence in addressing you on a subject, that I am not satisfied is not impertinent &...
General Lafayette arrived in this City yesterday afternoon and agreeably to the Presidents...
Mr. and Mrs. Adams request the Honor of Mr Rush’s Company at Dinner on Tuesday the 2 of August at...
I enclose you some lines which were written very hastily yesterday morning immediately after...
One week has passed already since my arrival here and to us by no means a quiet one. General La...
This extraordinary season has prevented all ideas of regular correspondence for few employments...
We suffer too much from the heat my Dear George not to make allowance for your purisse but I am...
I thank you for a very pleasant letter, and I supplicate a continuance of them—I have given up...
Thomas J. Hellan is to be offered as a Candidate for admission at Harvard University this year—I...
The past week has scarcely been marked by any occurrence worth relating in a letter, the weather...
With a reluctance, commensurate with the liberty which I am taking, I am constrained, by...
I am very sorry to learn from your Letter to Charles my dear George that you had hurt your eye. I...
As you know me to be an Amateur of the horrible incidents of human Tragedy if my Dear George you...
It was an unexpected pleasure which I received in your letter of the 17th. of last month, as I...
On this Sad time of My departure I find a Consolation, My dear Miss Hellen, in Expressing the...
It is a very long time my dear venerated father since I have written to you; but the events of...
You will be quite worn out my dear George with my would be poetic effusions; but as I told you in...
I am suffering under a bitter repentance in neglecting to write & thank you for your last kind...
You can hardly conceive the dissappointment and regret I felt from the Information I rec’d from...
You cannot Immagine the comfort your Letter of 22d Ultimo gave me I fear’d Indisposition had so...
Mindful of the very kind invitation of Mrs Boylston and of yourself, and of our own earnest...
You will by this time (I hope), have obtained some days of rest after the fatigue of your...